Hannibal King;

Apr 19, 2010 17:00

| Information | Relationships | HMD

Hannibal King.
We were going to go with the Carebears, but that was already taken.

FULL NAME: Hannibal King
NICKNAMES: King, Bitch

DATE OF BIRTH: July 24th
CURRENT AGE: 37 (+ five vampire years)
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
LOCATION: Los Angeles, California

PARENTS: Mary & Alex King (deceased)

I'm sorry, uh...I ate a lot of sugar today.

Hannibal was born in Milwaukee, to Mary and Alex King; their only son, and only surviving child, both parents were thrilled at their strong, healthy baby boy. At least at first. For around five years; just under it really, Hannibal had two stable parents and a pretty decent life. Father held a good job and his mother was attentive enough that he felt comfortable. However, just before his fifth birthday, Alex King ran off with money from embezzled accounts from his contractor company, leaving his wife to raise their son.

Eventually, Hannibal got tired of sitting around the house while his mother drank herself into a stupor. On the streets, Hannibal finds friends in a group of street kids, living around the area and starts to spend a lot of time just staying around the area with them. By the time Hannibal was twelve, he was rather deeply involved with street gangs and the trouble it attracted. With various street riots, potential fights among gangs and drug deals going bad, it was really only a matter of time before the group got killed, arrested or worse; made an example of. In the end, at seventeen, Hannibal was picked up following a street fight with another gang; beaten bloody -and most of the others too, Hannibal was among the group taken to the A&E and seen to by an aged, male detective.

Seeing that Hannibal had an intelligence about him, and a sort of ability that hadn't been recognised, Hannibal was taken aside after they all spent a night in the cells for unruly behaviour. Given the option of a repeat incident like the one that left him scarred and facing a criminal record, or going into training to do something better, Hannibal took the chance to make something of his life, dragging two of his closest friends with him. Hannibal received qualifications; getting his education kick started and eventually becoming a private detective and moving from Milwaukee to Los Angeles, King looked to further his career as a detective. He spent seven years in Los Angeles working, earning himself a decent reputation and making a good living. The problems started after a quick hook up in a dive bar went so much further than wrong than Hannibal could ever imagine. After picking up a pretty, slightly psychotic brunette in a bar, Hannibal found himself turned around in an extreme fashion. Danica Talos bit and turned Hannibal, changing him to a vampire and naming him her 'pet'. For five years Hannibal was a member of the Talos clan in LA, at first becoming rather adept at his new life; while is personality wasn't drastically changed, his morals were pushed down below the blood lust and he functioned as any other vampire would. Thriving on hunts, killing and enjoying the power that immortality gifted. Eventually, Hannibal got bored however, and those morals pushed up through the haze of the beast and Hannibal questioned everything he was, growing to hate his nature and existence.

It was then that Abigail Whistler found him, a daughter of vampire hunter Abraham Whistler. When King showed no signs of wanting to live or to kill her, Abigail took him to the Nightstalkers hide-out, allowing their bio-genius Sommerfield to test her 'cure' on Hannibal. For two weeks, during the change of his body from dead to alive again and the re-mutating of his genetics, Hannibal was kept in a locked room with no windows. Although the change was painful; worse than turning into a vampire, as he felt his heart start to beat again, Hannibal welcomed the pain. And what it brought.

With his vampirism cured, Hannibal fought to adapt to life as a human again, feeling in debt to the Nightstalkers and Abigail in particular. While he didn't want to maintain a less than ordinary lifestyle, he couldn't really see a place for himself outside the 'lifestyle' anymore, and stayed with the Nightstalkers to help them. With his abilities from being a vampire not yet gone, Hannibal proved -after some trial and error, to be an asset to the group in their attack on vampires.

Wow, this is awkward, do you have a cell phone?

While Hannibal is a bit of a goof -regularly talking just too much, making wise cracks, joking with people or just annoying the hell out of someone; he is a rather serious person. With loyalty and commitment, Hannibal feels he has a debt to pay to those who pulled him from the Talos clan and pretty much saved his life. He helps by lightening the mood when possible, taking a few too many hits and watching Abigail’s back when he can.

While a social creature at heart, Hannibal is still re-adapting to human life and still tends to be a touch more comfortable in the darkness. He seems to have kept a few of the more darker personality traits, along with a serious guilt over his actions as a vampire and deep inner self loathing for that part of him that just won't go away. A skilled fighter, mostly coming from his vampire years, Hannibal has a grace that wouldn't really be associated with a man of his bulk and height. He can be a sneaky bastard when the mood strikes, but .

Slightly embittered towards the world, especially the world of vampires, Hannibal is a realist deep down. Despite knowing that they aren’t making a huge difference in the odds, he continues to fight as a duty to people who could fall victim like he did. He would, could and quite probably will, die for the cause he currently totes as his own, so long as it means others get to survive and he's not coming back from the dead with a pair of fangs, that's okay. He's done his part.

Hannibal’s biggest fear is becoming a vampire again; something he never wants to repeat. He would likely kill himself before letting it happen for fear he would hurt someone he cared about. The problem with simply letting it go is that last five years haunt him; not always in bad ways, but he feels they should. He still has some kind of connection to his former sire, despite his deep hatred for her, and seems he can't quite cut those ties the way he'd like to.

PEEVES: stony-humour; higher than four inch heels; fur
TICKS: constant talking; bad jokes; running tongue over canines


HEIGHT: 6'2"

Standing at six foot and two inches tall, Hannibal is by no means a small man. With broad shoulders, well muscled arms and chest, he is an imposing and solid male with all the build of an American footballer. He has unruly, dark brown hair usually spiked at odd angles but looking fairly ruffled and natural, more the 'got out of bed and couldn't be bothered' look than any kind of style to it, with a heavy beard around his cheeks and chin in a stylised manner. His eyes are a dark brown colour suiting his tanned skin tone.

Hannibal usually wears heavy trousers or cargo pants; lots of pocket room, baggy fit, good for easy manoeuvring. His shirts are usually long sleeved t-shirts with heavy armour pads over them and a leather jacket to cover it, these are usually dark in colour and light in fabric -cause lets face it, it rains sometimes and being weighed down is not a good thing. Hannibal usually travels with an accompaniment of long, silver stakes -usually in a harness like pouch attached to his belt, guns with UV bullets known as 'sundogs' and silver tipped knives, stashed in many of his pockets and strange hidden places. Hannibal usually favours his guns, but without a steady source of ammunition will be more than capable when using knives and stakes.

Hannibal has one tattoo, just above his groin. This is the Talos clan insignia from his days as a vampire which has yet to be removed; considering it's location, it might be a bad idea. Although not many in number, Hannibal also has a few note worthy scars; one on his face, just under his eye, acquired in a bar fight. A fading but somewhat symbolic twin puncture mark on his neck from Danica's first bite. And on the right side of his back, three neat little bullet wounds along the rib area from his days as a detective.


A lingering effect of Hannibal's vampirism is acute senses, and a heightened strength. While he is by no means as strong as he was, Hannibal still maintains a power that normal humans can only work extremely hard to build. This is solely because of the extreme strength of the vampire he used to be, and while it is less than it was, and still dwindling, Hannibal uses it to his advantage. Similarly, Hannibal's senses -sight and hearing in particular, are better than average due to the change. While he can't hear everything, he can hear more than others and see better in the dark than perhaps he should.

Conversely, while Hannibal has a few of the stronger points from his vampire life, he does suffer a mild aversion the sun at current; it's more psychological than physical, but Hannibal is far more comfortable in the dark of night now. With his vision heightened, the sunlight occasionally irritates his eyes in a manner that it didn't before. Hannibal also still has his sharp canines; although not fangs, just really sharp teeth.

out of character.

NAME: Squid
AIM: squidded
EMAIL ADDRESS: torncorpse [at] gmail [dot] com
AVAILABILITY: GMT, but regularly around




01. Constant storm and fun times rain; - voice entry, with slays_in_heels, _devil_inside, tsurette and panterakitten / complete
02. Injury and suffering - video entry, with silkandsecrets, will_o_witch and slays_in_heels, and ridiculoushair / complete
03. Is anything happening around here? -voice entry, with daystararcher, unshardedburden, akakicker and panterakitten / incomplete

01. If this was hell, you'd think they'd have a Taco stand - reply to slays_in_heels / complete
02. Killing big bads to exterminating pests - reply to slays_in_heels / complete
03. Couldn't they have pushed you further - reply to ridiculoushair / complete
04. Safe, non-eaten and bunkering - reply to slays_in_heels / complete
05. He isn't now, because, well it's her - reply to unsharedburden / incomplete
06. Whistler? Dex isn't around - reply to daystararcher / complete

01. Sleepless nights, from here to Eternity - with slays_in_heels and frost_la_magra / incomplete
02. Bored Night Stalking - with ridiculoushair / complete
03. And the world came crashing down - with slays_in_heels / complete
04. Where else can I turn? - with slays_in_heels / incomplete
05. Another hour or so wouldn't kill him - with ridiculoushair and mercuryquick / incomplete
06. Really, they just want to hang, and Hannibal likes being a doof. - with unsharedburden / incomplete


01. So this vampire walks into a bar,

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