Title: First Impressions
Genre: Humor, Romance
Length: 1,560 words
Rating: Teen
Pairings: clone!Sam/clone!Jack, mention of adult!Sam pairings
Credits: beta-read by
daisycm83, and
Wishful Thinking Summary: Sam wants to make a good impression on her first day as an employee of Global Dynamics.
A/N: I have two people to thank for this story:
kurukami for spawning the idea of the first and last sections, and
control_freak80 for the idea in the middle. And as a special bonus… *g*
control_freak80 has written a companion piece about a certain adult!Sam pairing mentioned that I know you will all enjoy.
Read it here! First Impressions
Sam had already looked at half the clothes in her closet, many of them twice. She held up a skirt and blouse and turned this way and that in front of the mirror, trying to decide if she liked them together. Jack sat on the end of her bed, watching her in bewilderment.
“I’ve never seen you like this before. You’re almost girly.” Jack narrowed his eyes and pointed at Sam before she could reply. “And don’t tell me you are a girl now. You know what I mean.”
Sam tossed the blouse on top of the growing pile on her bed, narrowly missing Jack’s head. “Of course you’ve never seen me like this. In the service, I knew what to wear every day.”
“So you need me to color coordinate?” he teased. “Hold on. I’ll go change.”
She smiled half-heartedly. “It’s my first day. I just want to make a good impression.”
Jack stood up and took her hands in his. “You’re going to make a good impression no matter what you wear.” He kissed her forehead and walked out the door, calling back, “But go with the gray skirt and the light blue turtleneck.”
“And that’s the tour,” Allison concluded. “Now you just have to meet the Director of Research, and he’ll assign you to a project.”
When Sam and Allison entered the Director’s office, he was on the phone with his back to the door. The glass office was somewhat disconcerting and Sam took a moment to adjust to the view. Windows were something she was no longer used to after so many years in the SGC, where the only ones to be found overlooked the gateroom. She had the feeling there was something missing, and realized it was because there was no Stargate below them.
There was something familiar about the Director’s voice, but Sam couldn’t quite place it. Maybe it was just the condescending way he spoke to the person on the other end of the call - it reminded her of Rodney McKay. Allison stepped closer to his desk; he turned slightly to look at her, and Sam caught a glimpse of his profile. He looked familiar too, but she couldn’t place him.
“Fargo, just fix it,” the Director snapped, hanging up abruptly. “Allie, if this is about Henderson, we’re already working on a way to make him visible again. As for him vandalizing Sheriff Carter’s jeep, though I’m ready to give Henderson a hearty handshake and a warm pat on the back for that, I had nothing at all to do with it.”
Sam could tell by looking at her that Allison was biting her tongue. “We can discuss Henderson later. I brought that new employee I was telling you about.”
The Director turned his chair towards her. Sam felt suddenly nauseous as she realized who he was. She spoke his name in disbelief: “Nathan Stark.”
Nathan looked confused, Allison even more so. Allison looked from Sam to Nathan and back again. “Do you two know each other?”
“Yes,” Sam said, while Nathan said, “No.”
“I’ve never seen you before,” Nathan insisted. “I don’t meet a lot of children in this line of work, so I would remember.”
Sam braced herself. “I’m Samantha Carter.”
For a moment, Nathan just stared. When he spoke, Sam could tell he was trying to process the information. “Samantha Carter.”
“The Samantha Carter?” Sam nodded, but he shook his head in disbelief. “The same Sam Carter that-”
Sam did not want him to finish that sentence. “It never happened!”
“You’re that Sam Carter, alright.” They stared at one another for a moment, trying to come to terms with the situation. Nathan asked the obvious question. “Time stream accident?”
“Cloning gone awry,” Sam answered.
“So you’re not really her,” Nathan proposed.
Sam grimaced. “Genetic makeup aside, Stark, I have her memories, up until a month ago. All of her memories, unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?” Nathan scoffed. “I don’t remember you complaining at the time.”
“I was too drunk to complain,” Sam snapped back
“Okay!” Allison interrupted brusquely, dropping Sam’s personnel file on Nathan’s desk. “Sorry to disturb such a warm reunion, but you need to give Sam her assignment, Nathan, and I need to go see how Sheriff Carter is doing in the search for the Invisible Man.”
“Allie…” Nathan seemed to feel the need to explain. “It was years ago. We were-”
“Hey!” Sam protested. “We had an agreement, Stark.”
Allison glanced at Sam - taking in the way she looked now - and closed her eyes for a moment. “Nathan, I really don’t want to know. Please let’s just put it aside and all get down to business.” She turned to Sam with a look of concern. “Will you be alright if I go?” Sam thanked her and said that she would.
“It’s me you should be worried about,” Nathan muttered as Allison walked out the door. Sam glared and he raised his hands apologetically. “Come on, have a seat.”
Sam sat in the chair opposite Nathan’s desk and an awkward silence settled over them. Nathan cleared his throat. “So, how’ve you been?”
Sam arched an eyebrow. “Up until a month ago?”
“Sorry,” Nathan said with a sardonic smile. “Did you… did you leave someone behind?”
“You mean like a husband?” Sam asked and Nathan nodded. “No, I…She’s… We are involved with someone. He was cloned too.”
“That’s convenient,” Nathan said wryly.
“Trust me, there’s nothing convenient about it.” Sam had no desire to talk about her personal life and quickly changed the subject. “How about you? Obviously, now I know where you’ve been all this time. Are you married? Do you have kids?”
Nathan nodded. “A stepson. Allison and I are separated.”
“Allison?” Sam asked with alarm. “The same Allison you just told that we slept together?”
“First off, I didn’t tell her¬-”
“I’m sure she got the idea!”
“-and secondly, forgive me if it took me by surprise to find a teenager standing in my office claiming to be someone I had a relationship with!”
“A relationship? Not even someone as socially inept as you could call one night in a hotel a relationship!” Sam jumped up from the chair and began to pace. She was shocked at how easily she’d lost her temper - and with her new boss. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why you get under my skin like this.”
“It’s just you. Everyone else finds me charming.”
Sam was about to call him an arrogant bastard when she realized he was joking. She dropped back into a chair and sighed. “This is awful.”
“Look, Sam, this really doesn’t have to be a big deal. Trust me when I say I’m going to put it out of my mind. I have to. Even thinking about it the way you look now makes me feel like a dirty old man.” Nathan winced a little. “It never happened, right?”
“Right. Never happened,” Sam agreed.
Jack was watching TV in his room when Sam came home. She flopped unceremoniously across his bed with one arm flung over her face, and he hit the mute button on the remote.
“That bad?”
“I slept with the Director of Research.”
Jack didn’t miss a beat. “Not today, I hope?”
Sam moved her arm so she could glare at him. “Yes, today. Isn’t that how you get ahead in Corporate America?” She sighed. “Before I joined the Stargate program. At a convention. I was drunk. It’s not only humiliating, it’s so cliché.”
“These things get to be clichés because they happen. How bad was it?”
“What?” Sam was shocked that he would ask such a thing.
“The meeting you had with him today,” Jack clarified. “Though I really hope the other was bad too.”
Sam rolled her eyes. “The meeting ranged from awkward to argumentative. And did I mention that he’s married to Allison? Which I didn’t know until afterwards.”
Jack gently brushed her hair away from her forehead. “Is it going to be a problem?”
Sam sighed again. “No, I think everything will work out. And now that he’s assigned me to a project, hopefully we won’t have much interaction.”
“Good project?”
“So far, it’s a lot like the SGC,” Sam said with a smile, glad Jack had security clearance at Global Dynamics so she could share her day with him. “The team is working on a personal stealth shield for military applications.”
“Like Nirrti’s cloaking device?” Jack asked.
“Very similar,” Sam replied. “But while the scientist testing it was invisible, he walked through an area undergoing some repairs and took a blow to the head with a pipe. Now he apparently has a concussion and he’s running around town pulling pranks. We have to find a way to shut down the device remotely.”
Jack grinned. “Just like home.” He gave her a quick kiss then sprang off the bed. “It’s my turn to cook dinner.”
Sam reached for his remote. “I’m just going to rest here until it’s ready.”
Pausing in the doorway, Jack looked at her thoughtfully. “You know, there’s one good thing about this whole situation.”
“What’s that?” Sam said, fluffing up the pillows behind her head.
“With the director?” Jack grinned wickedly. “At least you know you made a good first impression.”
He was out the door before the pillow she threw at him left her hand.
The End