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Comments 10

zimshan May 14 2010, 19:07:12 UTC
Ooo, interesting that you found it underwhelming too, since you've gone through all the finales so recently and all.

The montage was pretty damn cool, but I'm a sucker for those kinds of things. (And it kinda reminded me of [info]zimshan's most recent vid.)
HAHAHA YOU MEAN THE AMULET DROP PART? I totally stole half the audio for that from the season's credits opening (the other have being The Beatles' Revolution 9), but then they used their own credits stuff on that, and YES, I LAUGHED. Through the tears, but yes. :)


squaringkarma May 21 2010, 03:28:17 UTC
Yep. It didn't seem like a SPN finale to me.

LOL. That's funny.


(The comment has been removed)

squaringkarma May 21 2010, 03:26:51 UTC

So saaaaaaaad about Anna.

Katherine rocks hard core.

The mayor and his son, very interesting. I can't wait to learn more about what they are.


entrophe May 15 2010, 05:46:55 UTC
iiii was wondering where Elena's pills came from. post car accident was my first guess....?

re katherine: i get the feeling she's already met elena... even if elena hasn't met her... lol.

what an awesome finale though. =D


squaringkarma May 21 2010, 03:23:57 UTC
Yeah, probably.

Hmm interesting thought.

It was a very awesome finale :D


amber_protocol May 15 2010, 06:49:43 UTC
Katherine: Hot damn. I didn't see you coming, but I really can't wait for you to meet your doppleganger.

Hehe. I can't wait for them to meet as well. And just for Katherine to start shit in general, because she's older and stronger than the Salvatores so seeing how they react will be interesting. Ooh, S2 is going to be so awesome.

I wonder when you'll find out it was really Katherine.

All I know is that we have to see it and I can't wait.

*flails more*


squaringkarma May 21 2010, 03:23:14 UTC
Ooh, S2 is going to be so awesome.

Very awesome.



noblealice May 20 2010, 23:12:21 UTC
VAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMP DIARIES! Oh man how much did I love Bonnie? THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS MUCH! She is FIERCE and will protect her town! FUCK YEAH, BONNIE! *dances*

I am so bored by Jeremy I kinda hope Anna lied to him about that being her blood and he just...dies. No afterlife for boring people!

I'm worried about Caroline and because she's a minor character we probably wont even find out what happened to her right away. All I want is just one scene of Matt visiting her hospital room! *sigh*

As for Anna being fridged just to get an emotional response out of Damon? HOLY FUCK, I WAS SO FILLED WITH RAAAAAAGE AT THAT MOMENT. I do not even care if Katherine kills Uncle John. He KNEW Anna wasn't a revenge-filled vamp and her relationship with Jeremy and killed her anyways.


squaringkarma May 21 2010, 03:22:29 UTC
Bonnie is so damn awesome.

I don't see him dying.. but probably not a vamp either.

Hopefully we'll get that!~

Anna dying sucks. So much. But, I'm not thinking it was "just to get an emotional response out of Damon" so I'm not all rage-y for that reason like you, heh.


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