CW Thursday finales

May 15, 2010 04:04

So The Vampire Diaries was epic awesome.

I am so glad I don't watch the promos because I loved every second of it and all the more because I was unspoiled. So things:

Bonnie: You rock, girl. Really glad you're laying down the rules about how if so much as one drop of blood falls due to Damon's influence, he's toast.

John: Ugh, I can't believe that happened to your hand. I actually gasped.

Jeremy: Oh no you didn't take Elena's pills.

Katherine: Hot damn. I didn't see you coming, but I really can't wait for you to meet your doppleganger.

Anna: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((( I really loved you.

Damon: I was all *flaily hands* when you went to talk to Jer and how you DID that for a really long time. Really really loved that scene. Your use of the past tense KILLED ME. And when you kissed "Elena"! OH SHIT. (I wonder when you'll find out it was really Katherine.)


Okay in not talking to the characters, that opening scene was really clever. Totally had me thinking we were back in 1864 before Jenna showed up. Which I'm sure was the intention. Totally awesome. Kudos for that alone.

And hey where was Mike Erwin? I spotted his name in the credits (remember thinking of all the Everwood alumni the show's had so far), but I don't think I spotted him in the episode? Was he a vampire?

But I'm feeling a bit confused on Supernatural.

Like, it felt like my reaction to Veronica Mars season 3, episode 15 "Papa's Cabin," which means it was pretty underwhelming. We're used to the big arc wrap-up being all intense, but this? Really? (Perhaps ironically I posted elsewhere about my dislike for that VM episode elsewhere within the last 12 hours, mentioning that maybe my love for the Heroes episode of "Company Man" [which I had seen the night before I saw "Papa's Cabin" for the first time] was rising my expectations too high for VM. So TVD finale is to "Company Man" as SPN finale is to "Papa's Cabin." Actually since I had seen Bones and Happy Town before TVD and those were excellent as well, there's even more reason to get my hopes up.)

There were some things I liked though. I liked the editing with the scene where Sam and Samifer were talking. The montage was pretty damn cool, but I'm a sucker for those kinds of things. (And it kinda reminded me of zimshan's most recent vid.)

..Wait, I was talking about good things. Right. I'm glad Bobby and Cas are still alive.

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Who knows what season 6 will bring?

And now to sleep off this headache.

lj: zimshan, tv: everwood, tv: supernatural, tv: bones, tv: happy town, tv: the vampire diaries, tv: veronica mars

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