On Wednesday, I got a nice little surprise in the mail: season 1 of The Vampire Diaries on DVD. Just under two weeks BEFORE the street date of August 31st.
Now everyone who has read my other Vampire Diaries posts (either here or through the things I choose to reblog on
Tumblr) knows I honestly couldn't care less about the love triangle that perpetuates on the show because the show has so much more to offer than just that. (See
this wonderful fan vid about the female agency/power on the show. Spoilers for everything but the season finale because, well, the vid went up before the finale hit TV screens.) But I'm supposed to write a blog entry on which Salvatore brother I'd take home based on
this poll, which will allow you to get exclusive content before the DVDs hit stores should you partake.
So I chose Stefan.
I like dependable and gravitate more towards the "good" person as opposed to the "bad." Damon has definitely recently made some strides in going towards "good" though. His use of past tense in the finale just about killed me (I even made
my own graphic to post on Tumblr), so clearly I have warmed up to the guy during season 1. His progression throughout season 1 is a thing of beauty. By the way, Damon showing up to take Stefan's place at the debutante ball? Kinda predictable, but yet another moment of showing his changing ways.
But why Stefan? I like to root for the underdog and it's so clear that in fandom, Stefan is not well-liked when compared to Damon. As to point to a specific point in the show, it's Stefan's wanting to keep Elena safe, protecting her from his brother and himself. I'm not a huge a risk taker, Stefan seems the safe choice if a choice has to be made. Even when he turns "evil" briefly late in the season, you get the sense that he is inherently "good." Though I gotta admit I totally kept having Tommy (from season 2 Everwood) flashbacks in the beginning because it's the same actor. I liked a tortured soul, the vampire on the path of redemption and I got that with Stefan way before I got that with Damon. After all, I was Team Angel before I was Team Spike. Well, actually, I liked both in Buffyverse and here in TVD, I just don't give a damn about that aspect.
But, now I've said my piece and I have to end with a disclosure:
I have been hired by Warner Bros. WBWord division to raise awareness for The Vampire Diaries: The Complete First Season - which arrives on Blu-ray/DVD on August 31. Visit
http://bit.ly/9APlGp to pre-order your set and vote for which vampire brother YOU would like to take home!
-- reposted from