Jennifer's Body!

Sep 18, 2009 17:20

I'm back from seeing Jennifer's Body! YAY!


1) Were some of the scenes in the trailer cut out? I feel like I didn't see them in the movie. Hmm.

2) KYLE GALLNER SINGING! OMG that was so worth it. Even though you could barely hear him over the track, I loved it so much.

3) Amanda was amazing. And so pretty even though they tried to hide it!

4) Yaaaaay for the makeout being longer than the clip I had seen! With tongue, too, ooh. Seriously, they were so slashy the whole film from the holding hands at the concert.

5) Sucks that Chris Pratt's role was so short! And I barely even recognised him, it's been that long since I've seen Everwood, apparently.

6) Movie was over waaaaaaaay too short after climatic scene. I dunno, it left me unsettled. But it was awesome seeing the band getting what they deserved.

7) Ha, low shoulder. That amused me more than it should have.

8) I kinda maybe liked the "Walk Through The Trees" song.

9) "Hell is a teenage girl." So true.

10) Finally getting some real Amanda and Kyle sharing screentime! YAY. None of the way too short moment in Big Love. An actual scene! With dialogue exchanged!

And in other news, I am feeling ever so slightly better today. Not 100%, but I think I am well on my way to being well for my flight on Tuesday. Less than 100 hours and I am still in the same situation I was in when I had less than 200. *facepalm*

amanda seyfried, tv: everwood, flight, movies: jennifer's body, travel, celebrity: kyle gallner, tv: big love

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