Talk of Emmys

Sep 21, 2009 01:30

I talked a bit about the Emmys on Twitter, but for those of you that don't venture out there... P.S. My tweets, for those of you on the filter, tomorrow should be under a cut, too.

So the good:
  • Loved the opening number! Go NPH, go.
  • The Dr. Horrible bit was so awesome. Look, it's already on youtube:

  • A woman got an Emmy for a category that wasn't completely dominated by women! Way to go, Irish lass Dearbhla Walsh! Also congrats, Little Dorrit, for Outstanding Miniseries! I feel compelled to watch it now, I'm just thrilled with women winning. Gives me hope :)
  • The spinning knee was super awesome.
  • I thought it was really sweet of that dude to say happy birthday to his wife.
  • The Hell quote: "If you're having difficulty with someone on the set, learn to tell them to "Go To Hell" in a way that will make them want to go."
  • HIMYM cast looked super pretty (and handsome for the dudes :P) presenting the award that they did. And them talking about NPH, hee.
  • Michael J. Fox! It was so good to see him. I'm such a fangirl for him. BTTF ruled my childhood from the first time I saw it <3
And the not-so good:
  • Why was Andy Hallett not in the memorial?
  • NPH not getting Best Supporting Actor? Boo! And losing to Jon Cryer? WTH?!
  • And the hurt just kept coming with HIMYM not getting Best Comedy. (And 30 Rock? Shut it with your being nominated for Best Writing like sixty gazillion times, leaving only one other show to be nominated. There just should have been more diversity.)
  • Why was there no vampire joke when Steven Moyer and David Boreanaz presented an award together?

So I can't remember anything else, heh. All in all, I think it was a good show though and major props go to NPH for it.
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