Friends Only (Mostly)

Jan 03, 2019 14:34

Hi there. My name is Gaby and I am a twentysomething US citizen. I spent nine months travelling overseas in New Zealand (with some Australia) in late 2009 and the first half of 2010, so I'll type with some Kiwisms and some Americanisms. My own unique lexicon ( Read more... )

mostly friends only

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Comments 17

amarettolime25 January 15 2009, 01:39:31 UTC
Hey Moony! At first I was like, "Who's squaringkarma?", but then I spied the lovely Amanda Seyfried on your homepage. Hee.


squaringkarma January 15 2009, 01:45:16 UTC
Hey limey! Yeah, changed my name a couple weeks ago. Itching to change the layout, but I'll wait until 'most everyone has re-added me :)

(I finally got me some Middleman icons. Woo.)


headswedance April 20 2009, 08:17:43 UTC
Add? I love Being Erica like yourself.


squaringkarma April 20 2009, 11:16:10 UTC
Yes! I always found myself agreeing with you in the comm :)


brier August 24 2009, 23:56:32 UTC
Hello! I realize this is going to sound semi (super) random but I saw you're from NY. ^^;

I'm looking to make some new friends and meet some people on LJ so I thought I'd give geography proximity a try... I go to college in Manhattan at the moment (and for another year, yay!).

Anyways, let me know if you'd like to be LJ friends! :D


squaringkarma August 25 2009, 00:23:42 UTC
Hi there, Gosia! Pretty name.

I won't be in NY too much longer (as my countdown says, I have less than a month to go!), but sure, I'd be willing to add you as a friend. I have my degree in Computer Information Systems, which is like CS, but with an IT combo. (And I have a creative outlet, too, in film/tv.) I am also a fan of C.S. Lewis.

Quite jealous you're in Manhattan. I lived there for eight weeks this summer when I was an intern at a television production company, but now I'm upstate, near Albany, until I leave for NZ :)

Oh, and because you're new, you should know, it's courteous to put large images behind a LJ cut. The coding for that is: ( cut text )


brier August 25 2009, 02:16:10 UTC
Oooh, thanks for the LJ cut tip. I'll be sure to do that from now on. Hopefully my art pics weren't' *too* huge for people so far. o.o;

I have a friend doing Computer information systems at university of washington so I'm familiar with it, thankfully. :)

New Zealand! What are you off to do there?


squaringkarma August 25 2009, 02:37:13 UTC
No problem :) You never know who's still on dial-up in this day and age. And, plus, I know I'll be careful watch of my bandwidth when I'm in NZ as they charge you for your Internet by how much you use.

Ah, gotcha :) I have a friend of UW, too, but I can't recall what his major is, right now. I think he was looking into neuroscience, but I could be mistaken.

I'm going on this thing called a working holiday visa. It's a special visa for 18 to 30 year olds of various countries including the US. Here's more information on the US Scheme from the Immigration New Zealand website. So I can be there for up to one year (and hopefully I can do Australia the following year). I figured since I just graduated from college in May, I'm in a transition stage and I should do some travelling before I settle down with a career (which will hopefully be in the film/tv industry). And this gives me a way to get some work at the same time :) My first two weeks will be exploring the North Island (so I might not get too much internet then, we'll see, but I am ( ... )


scaryoursoul January 10 2010, 15:58:49 UTC
That's so cool that you're in New Zealand; I've wanted to go there for a while. And that's great that you're doing volunteer work! I'm going on a trip to Louisiana in June to do volunteer work.

You should take some pictures of landscapes and buildings, maybe?


squaringkarma January 11 2010, 01:08:55 UTC
Hi! New Zealand has been fabulous and I really do enjoy my volunteer work though sometimes getting the itch that I need to have some offset for my expenses. At least living in NZ without a job is less expensive than living in the US without a job :)

I've taken some pictures, not really of buildings, but I think there's some landscape pictures over at my travel WordPress, which is public :)

Oh and I checked out your journal/profile. Welcome to LiveJournal, btw! I've been registered on the site since December '03, but I only really started using it about 4.5 years ago when I was starting university and it's a fabulous release for me.


scaryoursoul January 11 2010, 12:37:52 UTC
Haha my bad I forgot to log in... I'm still awfully new to this site.


squaringkarma January 12 2010, 05:32:28 UTC
It's cool :)

Hope you had fun glancing through it :) Since I've got some travel planned for next week and the week after, there should be some more to come in early February when I return to Welly.


raileht March 27 2011, 18:26:28 UTC

BIG fan of The Good Wife, but I also enjoy Blue Bloods and I've read and watched a few episodes of Pretty Little Liars...oh, and I'm not a psycho.

Would you mind adding me? :)
I promise I'm harmless!


squaringkarma March 27 2011, 18:48:24 UTC
lol, hi there! Guessing you found me through my comment on Ellie's Kurt/Diane fic? I can never say no to more TGW fans on my flist!


raileht March 27 2011, 20:04:34 UTC
Yeeees! Found you there :)

I'm pathetically new here so I'm trying to find some fellow TGW-fans...god, I adore that Kalinda avatar!

and yay for TGW fans! haha!
Thanks! :)


squaringkarma March 27 2011, 20:36:08 UTC
Kalinda is my fave. Obviously what with a quote of hers being my journal title ;) and the countless icons I have. Lol.

winterfish is another person you may want to add then!


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