Friends Only (Mostly)

Jan 03, 2019 14:34

Hi there. My name is Gaby and I am a twentysomething US citizen. I spent nine months travelling overseas in New Zealand (with some Australia) in late 2009 and the first half of 2010, so I'll type with some Kiwisms and some Americanisms. My own unique lexicon.

I started this journal in late 2003 though I didn't really begin using it until 2005 (despite at least one post per month since July 2004), which is when I incidentally started college and when I went Friends Only. I've got some public posts here and there, but they're mostly of a fandom sort. But not all purely fandom posts are public either.

Feel free to add me. I'm pretty sure I'll add you back.

Current TV favourites: The Good Wife, Pretty Little Liars, How I Met Your Mother (lovely rebound!), Community, The Vampire Diaries, White Collar, Blue Bloods

Just a few favourites that are on hiatus and I'm eagerly awaiting their return: Being Erica, Lost Girl, Drop Dead Diva, Leverage

Also watching way too many others to name and I may behind, so I won't list them here, but take a gander through my icons and chances are, I've seen it and liked it enough to get some icons (but like I said, I could be behind).

Old loves that haven't died: Veronica Mars, Alias, Gilmore Girls, Everwood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, Angel, Firefly, The Middleman, South of Nowhere, Wonderfalls, Life, Dead Like Me, Pushing Daisies, The American Embassy, jPod, Ghostwriter, Arrested Development, Better Off Ted

And I could list many more shows in many other categories, but this gives you a fair sampling, I think. I'm probably forgetting some shows in my above categories, too.

last update to this post was on: March 7, 2011 at 4:07am (GMT-5)

mostly friends only

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