LJ implemented this thing where you can crosspost your comments to Twitter and/or Facebook. This should be obvious, but I would like you all to refrain from posting your comments to my journal to Twitter and/or Facebook since the vast majority of my posts are friends-only. I have a public blog over at WordPress and that's fine so long as you do not make reference to this social network if we are friends on the other social network. (I would highly dislike any connecting my specific persona here to a persona I have on those other social networks. Take, for instance, you have my Twitter name blahblah. I ask you to not say "this is blahblah's LJ post on whatever-topic." Furthermore if I want social networks linked, it will be known on both sides. I can link to WP here, but I don't want LJ linked there. You can link to my LJ [and a specific post's contents if the post is public -- ask permission when it is not because maybe I was just too lazy to make it public, never assume] when we are on LJ. You dig?)
If you have Firefox and the Greasemonkey addon, you can install
this script to make those boxes go away.
If you have Chrome like me, I've discovered you can click on Install and then click on Continue when it asks you to be sure you want to continue. When you open a new page on LJ, those boxes go away.
My Chrome trick may work for other browsers, but I cannot confirm that. I have found
this link listing Greasemonkey alternatives for browsers such as Opera, IE, and Safari if my Chrome way does not work for you and your browser.
Finally if you have a paid or permanent account, I have a feeling that it may be possible to remove those options on your journal only by making edits to a layer, but that will take some digging into code, I think.
Edit: Apparently you can just go to your
Custom CSS and add this bit of code:
.b-repost-item {display:none;}
So it's not limited to paid or permanent users because all users can use Custom CSS. "Repost to" will appear, but not the boxes. This will make it work on just your journal (unless you view other people's comment pages in your style; then it'll work on other people's journals, too), so it is best to implement the userscript to prevent YOU from reposting your comments on OTHERS' journals to Facebook/Twitter and add the CSS so OTHERS (and YOU) don't repost their (and your) comments on YOUR journal to Facebook/Twitter.
Edit again: Another bit of CSS you can add:#fblo {display: none;}
With this code (which you can put before or after my first bit of code, doesn't matter) people can't see the Facebook option for the "from" field. You know, Anonymous, Logged in user, Facebook, Open ID. The code I just stated gets rid of the Facebook line completely.