Detention really sucks.

Sep 17, 2008 20:23

Dark Link (a.k.a. Del), Link, Kenshin: (Open, but it's detention...)
Location: Kenshin's Office- near the Quidditch Field
Day: 5
Time: Evening, after dinner
Rating: It got up to NC-17/R-18....Dundunduuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

Warning: Boys molesting each other!!

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❧dark link 'del', ❧link virtus

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Comments 62

darkndelicious September 18 2008, 01:52:41 UTC
"Why hello there, puppydog."

Del let out a quiet, yet malicious laugh as he came up behind the Gryffindor. While he wasn't at all fond of the new professor, having the opportunity to nag his new found victim seemed a good enough reason to show up for detention.


link_to_the_net September 18 2008, 01:59:01 UTC
Link was so startled that he almost jumped into the door, which Professor Kenshin hadn't answered yet. Fuming, Link spun around and gave the Slytherin the meanest look he could make. "If you do something like that again, I'll rip out your tongue," he hissed. He really, really hated this guy.


darkndelicious September 18 2008, 02:20:31 UTC
"What, greet you?" he let out an exaggerated huff, "now that'd just be plain rude." with a roll of his eyes Del turned his attention to the door, which was still unanswered. "So... any idea as to what this fun, fun night is going to entail?"


link_to_the_net September 18 2008, 02:30:27 UTC
"Only that I have to put up with your nonsense," Link huffed. He'd do just about anything to get away from this situation. Then again, 'It's your fault your here in the first place.'

'Shut up.'

The detention hadn't even begun, but Link could tell that it was going to be a very very long night.


ryuu_hitokiri September 18 2008, 20:46:35 UTC
Kenshin opened the door with a smile on his face, glad to see that both the studens were already here.

"You must have been getting bored waiting for me to come up and answer the door," he said cheerfully.

He had about the most droll, boring detention imaginable in mind for these two.


link_to_the_net September 18 2008, 23:17:42 UTC
Link sighed and trudged into Professor Kenshin's office. He knew he deerved some sort of punishment, but did he screw up so badly that he really had to spend the entire night with his despicable 'twin?'


darkndelicious September 21 2008, 01:15:22 UTC
Del raised an eyebrow disdainfully in response to the greeting, following his double into the office, giving the room a once over before turning his attention to the Quidditch professor.

"So...? What shall we be doing to atone for our... sins?"


ryuu_hitokiri September 21 2008, 17:40:20 UTC
Kenshin ushered the boys inside. "First, give me your wands. You won't be needing them for the task I have in mind."

He waited patiently. If the wands weren't given freely, he'd simply have them by force, though he'd really much rather avoid that situation if it was at all possible to have them from the boys peacefully.

*shot for ICly long drawn-out sentence*


darkndelicious September 26 2008, 04:37:53 UTC
Del frowned. Well that was an uninteresting end to things... He wasn't sure what he expected, or wanted, the Gryffindor to do, but returning to the task the professor had given them was definitely not it. Especially not with his shirt.

He made to grab it, tugging at the material in hopes of wringing it out of the other's hands. Once he managed to save it from further use as a rag, Del pointed to the blond's shirt (again). "Use yours!" he tried to say, grumbling when no voice came out. Gah this was frustrating.

He really hoped that the Gryffindor would resort to that though...


link_to_the_net September 26 2008, 04:44:33 UTC
Link wasn't about to start another fight, especially over a shirt. He let the douchebag have his shirt, and to clean things up before the professor came back, Link promptly took off his own to use as a rag.

He became a little irritated when he felt the Slytherin's eyes dig into his back.

OOC:His very toned back...


darkndelicious September 26 2008, 04:51:52 UTC
Finally. Del smirked, and made no effort to hide his examination of the Gryffindor's figure. Whether this was yet another attempt at provoking him or of real interest, he wasn't even sure himself, but all he did know was that it was highly entertaining to see him angry.

He was just entertaining in general, really.


link_to_the_net September 26 2008, 05:00:11 UTC
When the feeling of the whole eyes-in-the-back got too intense, Link turned around and sent a look to the Slytherin that couldn't mean anything except, "Stop that, or I'll punch you again."

Seeing the reaction from his nemesis made him blush once again, so Link quickly turned away and tried to focus on soaking up water. He failed.

His thoughts suddenly reverted back to the strange feeling in the pit of stomach. It felt like someone had forced a bunch of overactive fairies into his stomach and they were all trying to get out. Link couldn't stop blushing.


ryuu_hitokiri September 28 2008, 18:49:07 UTC
"Of course I can let you borrow a broom to practice with, Miss Ty Lee, especially since yours is out of commission right now. I have two students in detention right now polishing the brooms, even, so though they should look shiny and new, that they should." Kenshin pulled out his key, unlocking the storage closet that the two boys had been locked in.

"O-oh dear..." was all he could say once he opened the door.


auraneverpinker September 29 2008, 02:45:19 UTC
"Thank you, Professor!" Ty Lee replied, happily. She had been practicing a new trick on her broom within the first few minutes of practice. Having missed the flip slightly, her broom smashed into one of the poles. Luckily, she was spared as she landed within the hoop from the same pole. Immediatly after, she went in search of the Flying Professor to ask for a spare broom to temporarily play with.

When the door opened, her eyes immediately fell on the two naked boys against the wall. "Wow, I thought you said they were polishing the brooms!" she giggled.


darkndelicious September 29 2008, 03:08:44 UTC
Del had moved his nips and kisses down to the blond's chest when the door was swung open. Fuck. Shit. Damn it! He had finally managed to get the Gryffindor to submit to him, they were almost - ARRG. That damn Quidditch professor! Ohhh did he ever despise him...

He made sure not to let his rage show, however, simply staring at the two figures in the doorway plainly as if there was nothing wrong with what they were doing. When he heard the girl's comment, he grinned wickedly. "Oh, but we are." he tried to say, but of course nothing came out. He then shifted his gaze to the professor, raising an expectant eyebrow.


link_to_the_net September 29 2008, 03:16:24 UTC
Link was frozen in place, unable to move because of the horrific situation he was in. It was bad enough that a professor walked in on them. In this event, he would expect nothing but scorn from said professor for the rest of his life. It was unpleasant, but one could live through that.

No. It had to be worse. There was a girl with the professor. A student. This student would have friends. Most likely, a lot of friends, who in turn would have a lot of friends. Thus, the situation was now on a whole new level that the word 'embarrassment' can not come close to describing.

Link shoved the Slytherin as far away from him as he could and immediately grabbed his pants and put them back on. He also found his shirt and did the same. Unfortunately, he still couldn't escape with the professor and random student taking up the space that was the door. The only way out.

'Goddesses, kill me now!'


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