Detention really sucks.

Sep 17, 2008 20:23

Dark Link (a.k.a. Del), Link, Kenshin: (Open, but it's detention...)
Location: Kenshin's Office- near the Quidditch Field
Day: 5
Time: Evening, after dinner
Rating: It got up to NC-17/R-18....Dundunduuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

Warning: Boys molesting each other!!

Link trudged down to Professor Kenshin's office. It wasn't that he didn't like the professor, and the Quidditch field was one of his favorite places. It was the fact that he had to spend his night with the most insulting, infuriating, creepy gray being that has ever set foot on the plant. The only way it could be worse was if Ganondorf broke out of his imprisonment in the Sacred Realm and tried to destroy the world.

Knocking on the door to the professor's office, Link could only hope that the Slytherin wasn't there yet. He at least wanted the beginning of detention to be somewhat peaceful.

❧dark link 'del', ❧link virtus

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