new and unconventional threats

Aug 16, 2010 12:42

WHO: Ambrosia Sterling, Lilith Dupond, Dionysus Drake, Massie Block, Sieglinde Baumgard; Closed
LOCATION: Near the chocobo pens.
WEEK: 64
TIME: Friday afternoon.
WHAT: Some Slytherins give a group of first years a tour of the castle, creepily.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This plot was made (and shall be kept) very extremely secret. No characters ( Read more... )

❧oc - dionysus drake, oc - ambrosia sterling, sieglinde baumgard, massie block, oc - lilith dupond

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Comments 6

veiledviper August 16 2010, 20:18:24 UTC
Lilith, similarly, was frustrated. Furious. She'd spent her Thursday attached to Cobb, that vulgar, idiotic musclehead of a boy, and her skin was still crawling from the sensation, the absolute indignity of having her personal space invaded in such a way.

She walked beside Ambrosia calmly, however, giving no indication of her anger, of the rage that simmered, heavy and stifling inside of her. She focused beyond it: clamped down on it, locked it away. Instead she kept her attention on what was about to occur. It would be time soon for her patience to be rewarded.

She infused her voice with warmth, smiled, soft and convincing, when she addressed the children. She'd had practice doing such, dealing with her siblings. "I hope you all are not too tired? There is still some ways to go." There was a flurry of voices all at once, repetitious questions and excitable comments, and Lilith mentally counted backward as she waited for them to settle. Her smile widened.

Today was going to be a lovely day.


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ahmazing_alpha August 17 2010, 01:08:29 UTC
Massie had luckily been unattached as well, however that last mirror event had been bad enough. She'd had spent time with Dean Venture, not that anyone seemed to know about it, and she intended to keep it that way. They'd only gone to the stables to check on the horses but still.. who wanted to be seen with Dean Venture?

Massie was near the front, where she belonged but losing her patience with the younger years constant barrage of questioning. Puh-lease, couldn't they just give it a rest?

A first year approached her and asked something ridiculous, Massie didn't even really bother to listen. Instead she replied with a question of her own, "Does it look like I spend eight hours a day sitting at a big round desk in the middle of the mall?".

The first year looked confused and tilted their head to one side shaking their head no.

"Then why do you think I have information?" Blowing the kid off she looked over at Lilith, Dionysus, and Ambrosia in turn. How could they stand spending so much time with these brats?


erbtochter August 18 2010, 03:12:40 UTC
"Dreadful," Sieglinde sighed, tugging her robes out of the way just in time to avoid a bit of jam falling on the hem.

While far better with the children than some of her other housemates, Sieglinde's short temper and low tolerance for disobedience to her commands was beginning to show, despite her attempts to remain cheerful and understanding. The break for lunch had been a blessing, but now she was met with a different sort of challenge- making her way through the students and their meals without suffering the odd glob of food somehow making its way onto her person.

So far, she'd manged remarkably well, but just one little slip could leave her with a stain she'd never get out.

"Honestly, how do they even manage?" She muttered to herself before moving toward Ambrosia, arms crossed and expression turning progressively more sour. "Please tell me we're almost finished. I'd forgotten how short their attention spans are at that age."


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