And in the daylight you're crossing all your wires || You just never knew how to put out a fire

Jul 21, 2010 19:01

WHO: Integra Hellsing | thehellsinggirl , Usagi Tsukino | odangobby ,  Catty Turner | scroll_heir  & open to any girls who live in the 6th year Gryffindor dorm 8D
LOCATION: ... The 6th year girl's Gryffindor dorm.  (SO REDUNDANT ALREADY, LOG).
WEEK: 62
TIME: Late in the evening on Wednesday. 
WHAT: Integra moves back into the dorm and ... is instantly bombarded by how insane her ( Read more... )

catty turner, ❧usagi tsukino, ❧integra hellsing

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Comments 17

odangobby July 21 2010, 23:26:17 UTC
Meanwhile, safely cooped up in a castle in Scotland, Usagi had not dealt with vampires. Or Sir Sweatername. Or the Queen. She had gotten a bunch of Howlers, and helped fight a boggart one time.

Right now, though. Now she faced her greatest challenge yet. Her most determined foe. The boldest and most deadly of rivals.

"CATTY-CHAN!" Her voice cut through the air, the song of a fog horn blasting across the sea of silence. "CATTY-CHAN, QUIT IT!" In a noble effort to stop the affront to her dignity, Usagi flailed around Catty, the whirlwind motion of her arms bound to hypnotise her, dissuade her from her task.



scroll_heir July 21 2010, 23:55:57 UTC
Unfortunately enough, while Catty was also not dealing with vampires or high and might royalty, she was dealing with Usagi. And her loud, screeching voice. Seriously, after six years, it was probably a very good thing that Catty was able to overlook and ignore such sounds, or she would have been driven mad eons ago.

Her hand kept moving despite these hellish protests, paint brush making long, yellow strokes across the canvas. Of course, had she the time, it would have looked a lot better, but it still wasn't bad work, and she felt as though she were really capturing Usagi's essence.

"But it's of you two kissing~" Catty sang out absently, glancing up only once to see the flailing blonde before going back to her work. "So cute. Don't you want it to happen, Usagi~?"


thehellsinggirl July 22 2010, 00:08:10 UTC
Oh Lord, she'd forgotten to pack earmuffs.

Had she really been gone long enough to forget what things were like here? Apparently. Giving Usagi's wildly helicoptering limbs a wide berth, she attempted to drag her trunk across the far end of the room towards the door without catching their attention. Of course, it snagged on the carpet, and she had to give it an extra tug, teeth gritted. A tug that sent it sprawling on its side, and everything within spilling out onto the floor. Groaning internally, she hoped they were still too caught up in what they were doing to note her, and she started picking up the odd assortment of things and shoving them back in the trunk.


odangobby July 22 2010, 00:59:55 UTC
And such would be her downfall.

"I DO BUT--" NO! NO!!! She had said too much! Usagi clapped a hand over her mouth (unsuccessfully, as her mouth was open wider than should be possible for any human) and her eyes bugged. "JUST STOP PAINTING!" Her voice was a siren song. In the land of opposites, of course: here it was just barely intelligible garbling at an ungodly volume.

With her nemesis remaining resolute in her torment, Usagi had only one option. She flailed herself into tackling Catty -- and sending them sprawling into Integra's scattered belongings.


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