
Apr 17, 2010 12:59

WHO: James Kirk; open
LOCATION: Slytherin common room
WEEK: 55
TIME: Saturday evening
WHAT: Some R&R in between fighting off nightmares and boggarts
RATING: PG? idk. If it gets any higher, say so in the comments

headstrong to take on anyone )

❧hikaru sulu, james kirk, ❧cree winters, !open, ❧leonard 'bones' mccoy, ❧nyota.uhura, ren honjo, sakura haruno, ❧kurt wagner, ❧jaina solo

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Comments 114

battle_in_bloom April 17 2010, 08:56:03 UTC
Sakura had been deposited on one of the camp beds in the Slytherin Common Room the previous evening, and since then hadn't actually moved. Somewhere along the line she'd acquired a mug of hot cocoa, and she cradled it between her hands now, sipping every now and then as she quietly watched the goings on ( ... )


chairismine April 17 2010, 20:30:29 UTC
Jim's eyes were drooping when a sudden nudge made him jump back into awareness. He stared at Sakura for a few moments without seeing her, before shaking his head to clear some of the cobwebs aways.

"What? Oh, no. No." he muttered, his brain catching up to his ears. He looked her up and down, processing. She looked physically unhurt- but she had the same look everyone else had. Exhausted. Afraid. She must be hating this.

"Have a seat," he offered, nodding his head at the step next to him. Searching for something to say, he vaguely remembered seeing hot drinks somewhere in the common room. "You want a drink?"


battle_in_bloom April 17 2010, 20:56:00 UTC
Sakura offered him a smile, fingers trembling against the mug she was cradling. Her eyebrows twitched into a frown, and she clenched her hands around the cup, stilling them. "How are you doing?" she asked softly. She'd down a lot of screaming the other day; her throat hurt, a little. "You look exhausted."

Her smile widened a little further as she took his offer of a seat, close enough that she could definitely feel that he was still warm, still there. "Oh - no, I already have one," she said, gesturing with the mug before taking another sip of cocoa. She blinked at it for a moment. "...Although I'm not sure I remember how I got it," she said with a small laugh.


chairismine April 23 2010, 20:42:39 UTC
"Not too bad." It wasn't technically a lie, not if they both knew he was lying. "No sleep for two days does that to a guy," Jim managed, trying not to wince at the fact that he really hadn't slept that long. Merlin, no wonder he was so out of it.

As she dropped onto the stair next to him the cup she was holding finally registered, and he gave her a pained half-grin. "Magic." he teased.


chairisinpark April 17 2010, 15:46:04 UTC
Sulu had wound up at the Slytherin dorm somehow. Magic. Or Flora. Nevertheless, he was sitting up on a camp bed, looking a little worse for wear with bruises and scrapes covering his body, and frowning at his cup of what could possibly be tea, but he had no idea because it was too hot to drink and he'd screamed his throat raw.

He was too keyed up to sleep, so he got to sit cross-legged on the bed that he'd shoved against the wall and try very hard not to think about what it meant that that was his greatest fear. A flyer scared of falling. It was more complex than that, if he was honest with himself, but he wasn't thinking of more than that. He was thinking about how could he ever be an effective pilot, or Quidditch player, or anything, if he was afraid of something like that ( ... )


notyourchairjim April 17 2010, 17:36:43 UTC
It wasn't often that McCoy found himself waking up on the dark green sofa of the Slytherin Common Room with no idea of how he got there. Typically, that was Jim's alley- a night of too many drinks followed by a not-as-irritated-as-he-seemed McCoy helping a how-is-he-still-standing Jim walk back to the Slytherin dorms where he could pass out and sleep it off while McCoy muttered an 'unbelievable' and Jim murmured a request for him to tuck him in. That's how it was supposed to go. Because that's what McCoy did, despite his demeanor. He took care of people ( ... )


wantyoursong April 17 2010, 18:17:00 UTC
Eventually, Cree had made her way to the Slytherin Common Room with Nyota in tow, and she had found someone to clear the effects of the boggarts from her mind. Not that it mattered much. Hearing her own voice again, she had burst into another round of tears, found a corner to shove herself into, and curled up in her self-induced silence.

So that was it, huh? Her greatest fear had been losing her voice. No, not losing Faust and being unable to be with Rail and Char. Her voice, although if she were in a better frame of mind, she might have just realized that, yes, losing her voice would have meant losing her band. They could have moved on without her. Well, maybe not Rail. Rail wouldn't have, but Char was an amazing drummer ( ... )


I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THIS THREAD. /just jumps on anyways. chairisinpark April 18 2010, 02:42:21 UTC
"Stuff." Bad, awful stuff that he was trying very hard not to think about. He still couldn't think about what had happened without having to throw up. He cleared his throat, wincing, one hand pressing against his neck for a minute. Maybe he should figure some charm to magnify his voice a bit, so he wasn't practically whispering.

He shifted over on his cot, making room in case she felt like sitting. She had tearstreaks all over her cheeks, and that, more than anything else, made Sulu furious. Cree should never, ever be crying. He should have...done something. Not that he knew what, but still.

"Are you okay?"


abovetwinsuns April 17 2010, 17:46:13 UTC
Jaina sighed, pressing two fingers on the bridge of her nose and forcing herself to take a breath. The day had been long, to say the least, and she had left Catty for a few moments for what she had dubbed a 'break' but what was really just a little time to get her head together. Jaina knew her limits, and she knew that if she allowed her mental shields to slip it would create an opening for something she wasn't ready to deal with.

When the twentieth or so boggart started calling her 'Jaya' she knew it was time to stop.

Jaina looked up, and was more than a little surprised to see Kirk sitting on the steps to the boys' dorms, even more alarmed by how...tired he looked. There wasn't the cocky smirk, or the bravado, and before she realized what her feet were doing she was crossing the threshold of the common room to sit next to him on the steps.

"Hey," she muttered after a pause, absently brushing off some spare boggart that had gotten on her robe.


chairismine April 18 2010, 03:20:20 UTC
Jim looked up and gave Jaina a tired smile as she dropped onto the stair next to him. "Hey," he managed, too tired for a witty quip along the lines of 'you're the best thing I've seen all day'.

"Told you I'd be alright." Well. Maybe not. He ran his eyes over her, other than being covered in boggart (like they all were at the moment) she looked unhurt. Just... exhausted. Jim leant over a little, so their shoulders were touching.

The only other people he'd touched in the last day were terrified, gibbering students who'd been trapped in their nightmares. Mental spells weren't Jim's forte, so he'd had to bring most of them back to the common room for help. It was nice to be able to sit and try to forget about that for a while.

Jim dropped his hand between them, reaching out for hers.


abovetwinsuns April 18 2010, 03:33:16 UTC
She didn't move when he did. The contact was something reassuring, almost comforting, and she was too tired from fighting hordes of nightmare creating monsters to really put up an argument against it.

"Good," Jaina said flatly, making sure it sounded appropriately stern and not at all worried, "I'm not in the mood to be finding your maimed ass in the dungeons because you decided to pull a Gryffindor." And she didn't smile. Not at all.

She felt his hand rest on top of hers, and before Jaina really knew what she was doing she had flipped her own over to hold it, giving a brief squeeze of reassurance. It had been a hell of a week, for everyone, and Jaina decided to take this rare moment of rest for all it was worth.

If she rested her head on his shoulder it wouldn't be the end of the world, either.


chairismine April 21 2010, 08:51:13 UTC
"I wouldn't dare," Jim teased, and though he wore a grin, he was serious. He took a deep breath and then let it out again, doing his best to let go of the past twenty-four hours so that he could relax.

He shifted his shoulder to make her more comfortable. He rubbed this thumb gently across the back of her hand. Cleaning off a trace of boggart still there, he told himself. That was all.
Was that all?

"So the tutor group's first session went well." It was the only thing he could think of that wasn't related to the hell going on around them. "Good work."


chainedlotus April 17 2010, 19:00:21 UTC
Because Ren has been brought in during the earlier round of boggart attacks, he was almost completely recovered by the time the weekend rolled around and he just watched as the crowds started to come in and take refugee in the common room. The longer the hours dragged on, the more unbearably crowded it was becoming and Ren was just grateful he took claim to the couch early enough so he wouldn’t be in one of the sleeping bags on the ground. Glancing around the room, he was wondering briefly if Catty came in at all after she dropped him off or had been out there the entire time. It was starting to make him a bit anxious on how she was doing and his head raise every time the door opened and someone else, weary from being outside, would come in.

Still, whenever the door did open, there was some relief in seeing a familiar face to start up a conversation with. Just to keep his mind off everything else that was going on and simply just socialize.


bamf_inthenight April 17 2010, 20:17:42 UTC
As much as he really, really wanted to, Kurt wasn't wearing his appearance charm. He'd done enough hiding already.

...he'd also done enough sitting on the ground staring at the wall, Kurt decided. He'd been in the same place since Galatea had brough him in last night. Getting up, Kurt stretched, making himself ignore the feeling that he should be running from everyone in the room. It was the boggarts. No one was after him.

Picking up a cup of hot something off the food table, not really caring what it was, Kurt looked around the Slytherin common room. In the back corner he spotted a familiar face.

Kurt made his way across the room and dropped onto a couch near Ren. He nodded in greeting. "Come here often?" He asked. It was a bad attempt at a joke, but Kurt figured he was allowed to be off his game today.


chainedlotus April 17 2010, 20:42:37 UTC
Glancing up, Ren gave a small smile at the familiar person and shrugged in response to the question. “Sometimes. Just more familiar with the bedrooms than the common room.” Likely a bad joke on his part and likely not for the reasons one would immediately think of but, wasn’t really a time to care about making good jokes.

“You fairing okay?” Although it was more often that he was seeing the Ravenclaw without the charm, he had to wonder what the other boy was thinking during this event. He hid his appearance out of fear and, despite it seemingly being okay with him now, the boggarts were bringing all their worst fears into reality and sometimes the fears they had before didn’t always go away.


3chairdialects April 18 2010, 03:28:10 UTC
Nyota Uhura had never been the sort of person who let anything break her. She was stronger than that. The onset of her hearing impairment had been a huge, terrifying shock, but once she had calmed down a bit, she had been able to figure out more or less what was happening.

She was fairly sure that her ability to hear would return whenever this whole thing got cleared up, which calmed her considerably, though occasionally she found herself thinking dark thoughts about what would happen if her hearing didn't come back.

Which was why she now made her way out to the common room - part of her hated being around people and not being able to hear them, but being alone with her thoughts was, in a lot of ways, even worse.

Besides, she needed food.

She fixed herself a plate and headed to a quiet spot. Unfortunately, she didn't see Jim Kirk on the stairs, not two feet away from where she sat, until it was too late.


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