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Comments 171

Elizabeth, Raziel, and open timefordressup January 12 2010, 22:03:42 UTC
Lizzie was looking to find the kitchen again. She had been there once before, and now she wanted to go back! She skipped along the hall way and around corners, waving at the paintings as she passed them. She was on the right floor now, and just needed to find the right painting.


Re: Elizabeth, Raziel, and open stupidest_angle January 13 2010, 10:15:34 UTC
Raziel was very lost. More so than usual! He had been trying to find the library because it was supposed to have all the answers but then he forgot where the library actually was. So instead he was wandering aimlessly. This was called the 'philosophy' approach to finding answers.

He paused when he saw a little blonde child skipping past him. How strange!

"You there! Do you have the answers?"


Elizabeth, Raziel, and open timefordressup January 13 2010, 17:26:34 UTC
Elizabeth paused on her way to look at the painting that had called out to her. However when she looked back the man wasn't a painting at all! Auntie Ann had said there where bad things around, but he looked more lost then anything else. She cutsied as she was always told to do before giving his question an answer with another question. "What question do you want answered?"


Re: Elizabeth, Raziel, and open stupidest_angle January 13 2010, 20:05:33 UTC
Raziel stared at her, completely flummoxed.

It had not occured to him to think of a question!

She was a wily creature indeed.

Raziel stroked his chin contemplatively, "I do not know. Will you come up with one for me?"


Around the dungeons! (Rorschach, Namine, Vash, and Isane thrown in) insane_isane January 12 2010, 22:48:08 UTC
Little Isane ran eagerly down the stairs towards the dungeons, ecstatic at having finally found them. It had taken her a while and she'd gotten lost a few times (well, more than a few) but now she'd found them! And she was pretty sure that boy was the one she was talking to on the magic book thingy!

She'd forgotten to get his name though "Hey- ah!" Isane yelled out, but her little brain couldn't concentrate on so many things at once and she lost her footing, tripping over the long robes she was wearing(which swamped her, by the way) and toppling to the ground. It hurt, but nothing was grazed and she quickly got back up again, rubbing at her eyes because she didn't want to cry!

"Hello," she greeted, slightly quieter, "I forgot to say my name. I'm Isane." She stuck out her tiny pinky to show she could be trusted.


genovese_roche January 12 2010, 22:57:51 UTC
As soon as that weird guy from his journal had opened up the door he was trapped behind, Walter immediately rushed out to his freedom. Stupid bullies. He'd hurt them, make them pay. They were always picking on him, teasing him for being a Mudblood, for his red hair, for his bad grades. He hated them.

Hated them all.

The red haired boy knew exactly where the Slytherins hid, all nestled about like the sick snakes they were, and that's how he came to be in the dungeons, skulking around, his face twisted with insolent rage. That is, until his concentration was broken by a little girl calling out to him. Walter jumped, turning to face her, hands balled up.

But then she stuck out her pinky, and he relaxed. Sort of. "My name's Walter." And because she didn't seem like a big threat, he held out his hand to her to help her out. She had one of those looks, the kind that told Walter she couldn't be a bully, and therefore didn't deserve his anger.


insane_isane January 13 2010, 10:19:44 UTC
Isane gladly took his hand, grinning widely. "Pleased to meet you Walter!" Walter was nice. Isane was adamant that he didn't deserve to be bullied. Or anyone. She knew what bullies were like and hated the idea of someone else being bullied. That's why she wanted to help Walter!

"Should we start looking for the meanies?" she asked him. Isane didn't know what they would do when they found them but Walter was big so he would probably think of something! Probably ask them to say sorry. That's how you fixed most things. Oh, and he was going to make them pay taxes or something... Isane couldn't really remember that part though.


genovese_roche January 13 2010, 19:17:10 UTC
If Isane had told Walter that he was nice, he would have called her a liar and glared angrily. Nobody thought he was nice. Nobody liked Walter, and that's why he was bullied. Even his own mother turned her back on him, not that she even mattered. All Walter had was Charlie, the father he had never met.

"Yes. Let's find them." His voice held a spark of venom, which sounded so out of place on his youthful face and the voice that bordered on a little boy's and a grown man's. He knew exactly what he was going to do to whomever he found. He was going to hex them and move on. Tax their smug faces right off.

He dropped her hand first, walking slowly so she could keep pace with him. Why was she wearing such big clothes anyway?


Leia and Jaina [closed] youdontgotdbuns January 13 2010, 09:30:18 UTC
Leia paid little attention to her surroundings on the walk from her new quarters to the Entrance Hall, mind focussed on something a little more important then finding her way about the castle.

Considering the last time her daughter had had difficulty with her French and actually been willing to mention that to Leia, the woman placed Jaina at around thirteen.

"Only four years ago," she murmured. Just after she'd left the Confederation and received an internal promotion at the Ministry - and of course Jaina had paid attention to that, because a promotion meant more work meant more time away from home.

A lot could change in four years. A lot had changed in four years. Leia had two choices before her right now; to go along with Jaina's current belief that she had been unaffected by the spell and enjoy the first pleasant week with her daughter seemingly in forever, or to explain at least some of the situation and hope she didn't find out any of the other circumstances surrounding Leia's sudden career change ( ... )


Re: Leia and Jaina [closed] abovetwinsuns January 13 2010, 10:07:28 UTC
Jaina fidgeted somewhat nervously as she made her way down to the entrance hall of the school, a few fingers toying with the small braid she had woven into her hair in order to impress her mother. It had been a while since Jaina had seen Leia, a few months at best, seeing as Leia had had to miss the Solo family holidays due to being cooped up working in France.

She had to fight down the flutter of excitement that was growing, she wanted her mom to think she was a mature and responsible, not a little kid. I mean, she was thirteen now, and that was practically an adult.

Still, when she saw her mom standing there, after so long, Jaina couldn't help the large smile that formed on her face, "Mom!"


Re: Leia and Jaina [closed] youdontgotdbuns January 13 2010, 10:23:41 UTC
Leia was startled out of her thoughts at the sound of slightly higher and certainly more cheerful - but still recognisable - voice. Thankfully she hadn't quite been facing the direction Jaina had come from, so the flicker of surprise and then sorrow was missed by her daughter.

She turned to face the girl, and years of diplomatic training kept her from gasping at the sight. Her gentle smile remained steady as she took in the sight of a thirteen year old Jaina, with a once-meticulous braid now messed from too many worrying fingers and a wide grin to greet her. Her heart ached, but she hid it easily. "Nice to see you too, Jaina," she laughed, enfolding her daughter in a hug like she hadn't been able to in over a year. She pulled back to inspect her after a moment. "You're looking well. I like what you've done with your hair."


Re: Leia and Jaina [closed] abovetwinsuns January 13 2010, 17:45:28 UTC
"Mo-ohm," Jaina groaned at the hug as she returned it with just as much enthusiasm, looking around, "People will see," she muttered, a faint blush dusting over the tops of her cheeks.

She looked away nervously when Leia pulled away, a hand yet again going to fiddle with it, "Oh, thanks. I, um, I wanted to try something new, and I remember looking at that old picture of you and dad and Uncle Luke and Uncle Chewie when you gave them those awards-"

Jaina cut herself off, she was embarrassing herself now. She looked up, this time with the trademark Solo stubbornness in her eyes, portraying how she wasn't going to drop this subject easily, "So why did you quit? I thought you were doing important work with the Ministry?"


The Great Hall. Catty, Ciel, and Open no_souls_here January 14 2010, 19:09:35 UTC
Tentatively, Ciel pushed open the rather large door. Clinging to the side of the doorframe he peered inside. The room was open, and spacious, long tables stretched the length of it. There didn't appear to be anyone inside.

His eyes opened wide. The room looked big enough to hold at least a pair of dragons. Luckily, there weren't any here now.

Quietly, he slipped inside to investigate further.


The Great Hall. Catty, Ciel, and Open scroll_heir January 14 2010, 22:05:14 UTC
There were small people running around Hogwarts. And Catty, having the fortune of not eating a crumpet for that particular breakfast where this all started, had volunteered herself to play babysitter.

Even though, technically the only little kids she had ever been around were... Herself and the other children at elementary school. All she knew were that they were cute. Beyond that, her knowledge was a little fuzzy.

The current task at hand was to collect said children from running around the castle without supervision.

Ah, and there was one of the small people now! Heading right into the Great Hall.

Catty followed Ciel inside.


The Great Hall. Catty, Ciel, and Open no_souls_here January 15 2010, 06:12:15 UTC
The Great Hall didn't offer much in the way of concealment so when Catty entered Ciel was clearly visible, standing only a few tables in and fixated on something on the ground.

He kneeled down, unaware that he was no longer alone. A round, marble-like object was sitting there. Could this be a treasure?


scroll_heir January 16 2010, 23:02:42 UTC
Catty stood back a bit, hanging out more around the doors than moving in to collect the boy who was now kneeling down. It'd probably be wrong to sneak up on him and snatch him, which had been her first immediate idea.

That would have probably freaked him out, right? She bit down on her lip. What would she have done when she was eight and some person had tried to grab her? Oh, right... She would have freaked out because Kendra had been warning her about government agents trying to take her away and experiment on her.

"Ciel!" Probably best if Catty called out instead before making her way over to the smaller boy. "What are you looking at?"


Toshiro and Chiyo boygenius10 January 15 2010, 02:38:55 UTC
He'd woken up, very confused. Toshiro found himself in a huge castle that was completely unfamiliar. There were also strange things happening. People were dressed funny-like and people kept referring to magic. Whatever that nonsense was.

So he started to walk the corridors. He didn't know where he was headed, really. Wherever he could find. Toshiro was looking for Momo, but he didn't know where he would even start to look for his friend. He was positive that she had to be here with him, of course. They'd always been together! He kept asking people who walked by if they'd seen Momo, and had gotten a few confused looks and one random answer about something called Hufflepuff, that made no sense at all to Toshiro.


magicalmoebeams January 15 2010, 15:01:39 UTC
Chiyo walked down the hall, slightly confused and slightly (secretly) pleased. For once, she was not the youngest student at Hogwarts. While she appreciated the challenges that came with being so advanced, sometimes she longed for people she could act her age with.

She was, for all intents and purposes, stuck in a sort of limbo. Not quite a child, but definitely not an adult, either. Her appearance - she'd been called 'cute' more times than she could remember - did not lend itself to being taken seriously, and her intellect did not lend itself to childishness. It didn't usually bother her too much, as everyone in her year had gotten used to having a ten year-old in their classes, but sometimes... sometimes she wished she could go back to primary school.

Turning a corner, she spied a white-haired boy not much smaller than she was. He had to be Toshiro. No way could she mistake that expression.

"Hello!" she called, walking up to him.


boygenius10 January 17 2010, 04:37:09 UTC
Hearing a voice clearly speaking to him, Toshiro turned around and his turquoise eyes stared at the unfamiliar face. "Hello," he greeted seriously, studying her appearance and trying to understand who she was. He felt like he should know her as she seemed to know him just by her casual greeting.

"I'm hoping that you could tell me where I am?" questioned Toshiro in a rather sharp tone. "I have no clue what this place is and people are dressed up all funny." He wrinkled his nose. "It's a bit ridiculous, if you ask me."


magicalmoebeams January 18 2010, 04:03:39 UTC
Definitely Toshiro, Chiyo thought to herself as the boy spoke. She'd never met someone quite that style of grumpy.

"You're at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!" she said. Chiyo wasn't sure what they were supposed to do with the children who didn't know where they were, so she'd decided to take the honest route and just tell them. She wasn't a very good liar, anyway. "It's a school for students to learn magic."


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