every morning when I wake up

Nov 19, 2009 13:55

Location: Hufflepuff Common Room
Week: 45
Time: Monday, before class
Rating: Pg

before I put on my makeup )

❧demyx waters, ❧momo hinamori, ❧maka albarn

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Comments 13

spirit_reader November 19 2009, 19:01:54 UTC
Fifteen years old, Maka was fifteen years old and she still couldn't figure out pigtails. To be fair, her mother had always done them before she left--and her father after that to keep her placated. She just never learned to do them herself.

She tried really! But they were always uneven and a mess. Thank heavens an older Hufflepuff had noticed the problem straight away her first year. She had been pretty helpless when Demyx had left too--though she had improved just a little.

"Demyx!" She called bounding down the stairs and over to where he always was. Her pigtails weren't as lopsided now, but they were still decidedly a mess. They were a far cry from the perfection they normally were. "You can fix them right?"


waterwand November 20 2009, 02:12:30 UTC
Demyx stifled a chuckle as the fifth year came right on cue. He had to admit, they did look better than the last time he caught her trying to do her own hair. Four years ago he couldn't help but to offer before the girl went to her first classes. There was no way he was going to let the young girl get weird looks all day just because she had lopsided pigtails.

Setting his book aside with a grin, Demyx motioned for her to sit on the floor. "You know it, Maka. It's not my morning without doing at least you're hair."


agentsuave November 19 2009, 19:20:33 UTC
Surprisingly for Demyx, he wasn't the only early bird ready to catch the worm today. While it seems Al-Cid is making a sour reputation for himself as a grade A fop, this dandy fellow decided not to linger within his bed for too long. After discussing the 'moving stairs' yesterday, Al-Cid decided it would be best to wake up a little early before class. As much as he honestly detests waking up at the crack of dawn, Al-Cid rather not be late for his morning class if he avoid it.

Silently wishing for a cup of coffee, a very regal but very sleepy Margrace made his sluggish march to towards the common room. He almost didn't notice the other student until he realized that the couch has been taken by that louse. "There goes the extra few minutes of sleep." Al-Cid drawled out before a yawn got the better of him.


waterwand November 20 2009, 02:16:05 UTC
Demyx looked up from his book upon hearing the unfamiliar voice. They may have been room mates, but the two had hardly gotten the chance to talk as of yet. A lazy smile slid into place as he gave a short wave without moving his hand much. "You didn't strike me as the kind to get up early, Al," he spoke in the direction of the other Hufflepuff.


agentsuave November 20 2009, 02:53:21 UTC

"Never judge a book by its cover, Demyx." Al-Cid quickly replied as he opted to sit at a nearby chair. Smirking faintly at the cheerful blond, he decided to take this moment of reprieve as a chance to study his fellow housemate. While Demyx seemed as genial as the moogles that scurry about through Hogwarts, Al-Cid wondered mildly if there was something beyond that cheerful exterior. Glancing over towards the book that sat on Demyx’s lap, Al-Cid figured that their first conversation should be school related.

“You can actually understand that nonsense?” He asked as he gestured towards the transfiguration book. "You are smarter individual than I realized, perhaps a scholar even." The last thing Al-Cid would want to do again is take transfiguration for a second time. While he managed to pass the course while he was in Beauxbatons, his passing was nothing short of a miracle.


waterwand November 20 2009, 04:38:06 UTC
The words were midly amusing to Demyx, as one who wanted people to judge him by his cover. There was no use letting people know he was actually a hard worker or had a brain at all, in that case. "I'll keep that in mind," he grinned sheepishly.

Demyx was taken aback, "Nonsense? You mean you don't really understand transfiguration?" He glanced away for a second, tapping his head in the process, "I wouldn't say smart. It's hardly my best subject. I'll take charms and potions over transfiguration any day."


acciopeaches November 22 2009, 14:33:00 UTC
Momo was used to being up early. Back home, she and her grandmother used to wake up as early as 5 or 6 AM to get breakfast ready. This included gathering eggs from the hens, waiting for the milkman to come by and deliver the milk bottles, and whatnot. She would then prepare for school and be on her way. She continued with this practice up to this day in Hogwarts ( ... )


spirit_reader November 23 2009, 20:59:20 UTC
Maka had clamoured onto the floor as soon as Demyx had offered the spot and pulled out the lopsided pigtails. "I don't know why these are so hard to get right. You should have seen it the first few days after you went home." She said, twisting around to hand him her hair ties--just in time to spot their newest company.

"Morning Momo!" She called with a smile before turning around again so Demyx could get to work.


f-fail ;_; acciopeaches November 23 2009, 21:37:54 UTC
"Good morning, Maka!" Momo greeted back at her classmate who was sitting on the floor. Behind her was Demyx... it looked as if he was about to fix Maka's hair.

"Demyx," she said, turning to the older boy, "I wonder if you could also do my hair? After Maka, of course!"

"Look, I have ribbons!" she announced with a giggle, holding out her colorful hair ties and bows for both of them to see.


<3 it's oka~ waterwand November 23 2009, 23:30:29 UTC
Demyx looked up as she brushed out Maka's hair with his fingers. The hair ties in his teeth so that he wouldn't drop them and loose them. It wouldn't due to have the girl's hair ready to put up only for her to have to run up to her dorm to get more ties.

"Of course, Momo," he replied out of the corner of his mouth. It was difficult to talk with ties in them but he still managed.


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