every morning when I wake up

Nov 19, 2009 13:55

Location: Hufflepuff Common Room
Week: 45
Time: Monday, before class
Rating: Pg

Hardly the kind of person to sleep the day away, it was customary for Demyx to be one of the first up in his dorm room. While the rest of the students came from their dorm rooms rubbing the sleep from their eyes, Demyx was already showered and groomed.

Sitting in the best spot in the Common Room, Demyx gave the air of laziness. He had positioned everything just right with one hand resting on the back of the couch as the other appeared to lazily flip through his transfiguration book. Anyone that got a good look at the seventh year would see that despite all of this, he really was using his time wisely to study.

Every once and a while eyes darted towards the direction of the girl's dorms as he awaited his princess with messy pigtails to come beg him to make it all better.

❧demyx waters, ❧momo hinamori, ❧maka albarn

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