A Meeting in the Dorms

Nov 18, 2009 18:33

Name(s): Ciel Phantomhive & Sebastian Michaelis (Closed)
Location: 2nd Year Slytherin Dorm
Week: Week 45
Time: Midday
Rating: Unknown, PG-13

The dorms seemed virtually deserted at this time of day, an opportune setting for what would surely be a clandestine meeting. Ciel was seated at a desk, with quill in hand checking over a few facts and figures from the latest homework assignment. Che, What a waste of precious time. Not that magic in itself couldn't come in handy but this was just busy work.

The room's furnishings were modest, at least in terms of what the young Slytherin was generally accustomed to. Mildly he wondered what Sebastian would think about his master living in a dungeon, not that he intended to ask.

How long had it been since the two had be in the same room anyway?

It had been a bit of a surprise when the caretaker arrived, but he decided it would be better not to let it show. Caretaker? That in itself was amusing, but infiltration was one of the man's many talents after all. At least there was one thing he was sure of. A good cup of tea would be a welcome sight indeed.

Beyond that, there was a few other matters on his mind..

sebastian michaelis, ciel phantomhive

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