[Around 1:30 a man dressed in a white uniform wearing a cap with Express Delivery brings a certified letter to Janine to sign for. Inside is notification of the change in legal guadianship of Jack Harkness to one Claudia Jean Cregg. Furthermore, there is a notice of cease and desist regarding all commmunication with his former negligent guardians. The delivery man smiles pleasantly and bids Janine a good day before he leaves.]
It's too late, the ball is bouncy and that means Cameron has to catch it. Cameron comes bounding through the doors, having only eyes for the ball and nothing else.
Vala comes running in after him, bent over, trying to catch the fuzzy little terror. "Shhhh! Dammit, YoYo! Come back here! I'll get you a new ball, o.k.? If Dean Bristow catches us in here, who knows what he'll do!"
Comments 13
*From the corridor outside can be faintly heard: "No! Cam! Wait, not in there!"
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