Gulit, hospital bills, and a horrific lack of time.....

Jan 25, 2010 21:53

I am on my way to bed but I wanted to post something in here just to let you know I'm not dead.

The job hunt is just depressing. Honestly, there is no other way to put it.

For some reason I feel like school is slipping away from me this semester. Probably because I didn't have enough money to buy one of the books I needed.

Speaking of money I got a ( Read more... )

life, writing, job hunt, work

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Comments 5

away_she_flew January 26 2010, 15:22:04 UTC
I'm sorry things are so rough for you right now :( If it makes you feel even a tiny bit better, you're not the only one having job hunting issues. Geoff's sister (I guess now my sister-in-law!) hasn't been able to find anything since she graduated in May, though she has only really been looking since Sept. And I haven't found anything either, though I've only been looking the past few weeks. It's tough out there! Try not to let it get you down. Do what you have to do and have fun...if writing isn't fun at the moment, then don't worry about it! Do something you enjoy. And fight with insurance to cover that ridiculous bill!


spygirl690 January 26 2010, 15:53:27 UTC
Thanks hun. I know it's hard out there for everyone. Two people I know were looking for 6+ months before they found a job.

Got your Thank You card in the mail. I can't wait to see pics of you guys using the camping gear. :o)



murphy_willing January 27 2010, 14:24:59 UTC

You're an awesome and intelligent lady, sexy too, and you can dooooo this!!!


spygirl690 January 27 2010, 15:57:08 UTC
Aww! You're sweet n' sexy too! ^..^


battyclown April 29 2010, 21:23:19 UTC
Speaking on behalf of all your fans of Nightminds. I remember you saying you have a few more chapters written, so just post the rest of them. Who cares if it's beta'd (whatever). I'm sure there are many of us that would just like to read what you've already done. I know I would.


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