Nightminds ~ Chapter 17

Apr 13, 2009 22:53

Title: Nightminds
Chapter: 17 of ?
Author: spygirl690
Disclaimer: Wow I wish they were mine, but they aren't. So don't sue me.
Rating: NC17
Paring: Batman/Joker
Warning: drug use, language, sex, graphic violence in later chapters
Summary: This story examines the months Bruce spent at Princeton before returning to start his journey in Batman Begins. The title was inspired by the Missy Higgins song Nightminds.
Beta: purplelev !
Amusing authors note: (I have been very ill hence, the lateness of my update) Also I had Paula Abdul's song Rush Rush on repeat while I was editing. The music video is play off of the James Dean movie Rebel Without A Cause. I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of our own batman/joker remake where the joker is the rebellious James Dean character trying to steal the heart of the sheltered billionaire high school Bruce Wayne. :op

Find all previous chapters of Nightminds here

Chapter 17
“New Jersey Police - open up!”

The officers voices were no longer polite after the third knock. The pounding of fists on the door rang off the mahogany and reverberated off of the expensive furnishing within. Although the luxury apartment offered more room than any college student could need, the room seemed to reduce by a square foot with every knock. Until the entire world was crammed onto the top of a foot stool and held by four feet of rope.

“We have a warrant for your arrest! Open up!”

Everything had been planned perfectly, every detail had been accounted for. Where did things go wrong?

The world was crushing in and holes in the plan opened up like canyons in the floor, greedily swallowing the footstool. The rope went taught and the beam above it cracked with the sudden addition of weight.

The world seemed to go still and the room expanded, buy breath wouldn't come. Instead the peaceful darkness sinked in from all sides, signaling the end.

The door flew open with a crash, splinters spraying the room. Four policemen ran into the room.

“Fuck! Danny, cut him down!”

The officer scrambled on top of the stool and cut the rope that suspended the boy in air. His body landed to the floor with a thump and an officer knelt by him, placing two fingers on his neck. Another officer radioed for an ambulance.

“We've got a pulse here.”

“Got here just in time, eh captain.”

The boy's head started to move slowly; turning from the bright light the cop shined in his eyes. Still alive? Jesus, yet another plan flushed down the tubes. One officer gently turned the boys head to face him.

“Can you hear me son?”

Another officer held up a piece of paper nodding for the presiding officer to proceed.

“Adrian Belzer, we have a warrant for your arrest...”
The crowd around the dorms of the elite grew larger as students rushed to witness the second on-campus arrest in a month. Bruce just got out of class and was heading toward the dorms at a leisurely pace when he heard the sirens. His heart sunk as he saw students moving towards his building. He followed the crowd back to his apartment, panic pushing him faster with every thought of what would await him in front of the building. He pushed through the crowd, ignoring the snide remarks tossed his way. Finally breaking through the crowd, Bruce saw the cops wheeling someone down the walkway on a stretcher.

Bruce felt relief wash over him as he realized it was not Jack. The hair gave it away, short and bleached, nothing like Jack's long dirty blond tendrils. He looked closer at the face and realized he did know who it was - Belzer.

Adrian looked numb to what was going on around him. His eyes were open but his body was limp, jostling like a rag doll with every movement of the stretcher. Bruce didn't know how to feel. He knew Belzer tried to frame Jack for murder, but something about young millionaire's face made him feel cold inside.


Belzer seemed to have woken from his stupor and now pulled against the restraints holding him to the stretcher. Instead of responding with silence the crowd around Bruce grew louder; some screamed at Belzer for murdering their classmate, a few tried to comfort friends of the fallen heir, and others gossiped loudly about what had transpired that night.

Belzer's screams blended in with the noise of the crowd. He fought against the paramedics and policemen trying to hold him down, his eyes turned towards the sky.

Bruce turned away, ducking past a cop and making his way into the building, needing to find shelter from the chaos outside. He was thankful for the quiet hum of the elevator while he tried to rationalize that Belzer was a bad person who deserved what was going to happen to him. Even still, his lifeless eyes haunted Bruce. He put the key in his door knowing it was an image he wouldn't soon forget.

Jack was in Bruce's apartment, peering out of the large windows overlooking the entrance.

Bruce's first instinct was to run across the room and wrap his arms around Jack. He squeezed the door knob in his hand, cursing at himself for such a childish reaction. He wasn't five anymore, Jack was fine - there was no need to overreact.

“You keep sneaking in here; I might start to regret giving you a key.”

Jack turned and Bruce noticed a steaming bag of popcorn in his hand. If it was anyone else Bruce would have thought munching on snack food while watching someone be hauled off to jail was morbid. But this was just Jack.

The dealer smirked at him, “I could just pick the lock.”

Bruce didn't doubt it. He dropped his backpack on the counter and grabbed a water out of the fridge.

“Quite the show.”

Jack's attention was focused outside again, the crunchy kernels slightly impeding his speech. Bruce walked over to the window and stood beside Jack. The cruiser and ambulance were gone and the crowd was dispersing slowly.

“Yeah...” Bruce still couldn't shake the Belzer's face from his mind.

Jack swiped the water bottle out of Bruce's hands and took a sip.

“He got sloppy,” Jack paused turning to Bruce, “he let his emotions guide who he trusted and who he didn't. I will miss dodging those impromptu ass beatings however...”

Bruce snatched the water bottle back with an inquisitive look - purposely falling into Jack's trap.
Jack laughed, “his goons attempts to beat me up. Not that, Jesus, Wayne, I never took you for such a pervert.”

Bruce chuckled as he walked to the sofa. Jack sat next to him, relaxing into the soft leather.

“Do you think he killed her?” Bruce hadn't meant to say the question out loud.

A sucking sound escaped Jack's mouth as he tried to extricate a kernel stuck in his teeth. He stopped midway, leaning towards Bruce.

“If there is one thing I know, it is that you never know what someone is truly capable of until they've been pushed to their limits,” Jack's voice was low, like he was sharing some dark secret, “that's when you see who people really are.”

These little droplets of wisdom Jack sprinkled into conversation made Bruce wonder about his past. It was so Jack, random car wrecks of ideas with pearls of wisdom hidden throughout the twisted metal. He looked at Jack who was flicking white bits of corn into the air and catching them in his mouth. That randomness kept things interesting, Bruce liked it.


Speaking of random, Bruce thought with a laugh. “What?”

“For dinner, let's get Chinese food for dinner. I need Kung Pao Chicken,” Jack smiled at him, placing the empty popcorn bag on the end table to his left.

“That doesn't sound too bad, but I have to study for midterms next week,” Bruce gestured to the book bag on the kitchen table.

Jack paused, rubbing his chin to look deep in thought.

“Mmm, I guess I should too,” Jack said getting up.

“Where are you going?” Bruce stood as Jack moved towards the door.

Jack turned, “I thought you said you had studying to do.”

“Yeah I do, but I thought...”

“You know I'd just distract you,” any innocence was lost from Jacks face, replaced with a devious grin.

Bruce smirked, “you could try to behave.”

Jack sighed loudly, looking like a child being forced to eat vegetables as he walked back to the couch.

He flopped down on the soft leather, “I guess.”

Bruce walked to the counter and grabbed his book bag. He sat down and began concentrating on what would be best to tackle first. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Jack doing the same, spreading the contents of the worn army-issued rucksack he used for a bag on the table.

Bruce was immersed in some notes from his Philosophy of Law class when Jack's hand quickly swept up his inner thigh and caressed his crotch.

Bruce jumped, dropping his book on the floor.

“Jack!” Bruce grabbed the book off the floor trying to ignore his body's response .

“Butterfingers,” Jack chuckled.

Bruce was annoyed, he really was...he just couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face.
He turned to look at Jack whose hands were held up in defense, “I was just thinking we could get the distracting stuff out of the way...”

He inched closer to Bruce, putting his hand back where it had been two seconds ago.

“...then we'd be free to study after,” Jack whispered into Bruce's ear, caressing the fabric with the palm of his hand.

“Jack,” it was a somewhat firm protest, but Bruce knew it was futile. He was already hard and his head was reminding him of amazing experience he had at Jack's hands this morning. He grit his teeth, this was bad...

“Still want to study?”Jack's mouth had stealthily moved to Bruce's neck. The words tickled Bruce's skin and he gave a contented hum in reply. Teeth nipped at Bruce's neck, pinching their way up his jugular. A tongue wet the skin at his jaw and traced a line to his ear. The hand at his crotch worked with knowledge of nights past, making him arch against it with a lust for more contact. The pinch of teeth on his ear lobe made Bruce groan.

Bruce turned quickly and caught Jack's mouth with a hungry kiss. He twisted his fingers in Jack's hair and pulled him closer. He felt Jack's hands curl around his waist and pull him forward. Bruce was happy to comply, falling and pinning Jack beneath him. Jack spread his legs and Bruce groaned as he ground against the hard spot in the dealer's jeans. Jack gripped the belt loops on Bruce's pants and pulled him closer, casually letting one hand slip down and grab the billionaire's ass. Any other time or place, that would have made Bruce stop, but he didn't even notice as he delved deeper into Jack's mouth.

Jack relished in his little victory while his hands groped Bruce like they were two teenagers in the backseat. Getting him while they were already in bed, well, that was easy. But after he ran his errands today he was wondering if he could get into those Ralph Lauren jeans one more time today. Of course, Bruce's face gave it all away - he should never play poker.

Try to behave? Oh Bruce, you should know me better than that by now.

Jack moved his hips in time with Bruce while enjoying the taste of popcorn blend across each of their tongues. He slid his hands to Bruce's hips, pausing to press into them, before descending his fingers under the fabric of Bruce's shirt. He couldn't catch the sound of pleasure before it escaped his lips, god dam. When it came to bodies Wayne was like the Royals Royce of college boys. Jack smirked against Bruce's lips, pondering different car analogies for the different parts of the billionaire's chiseled frame. Jack's fingers played under the cotton barrier between him and Bruce, tracing muscles with patient but determined fingers. All he cared about was being able to get into the drivers seat, but that would take some time.

Suddenly Bruce growled in frustration; sitting up, ripping his shirt off and returning his mouth to Jack's with enough force the dealer would have thought it was painful- if it wasn't so damn hot.

Perhaps this won't take as long as I thought...

Jack felt Bruce's hands grip the sides of his shirt and he obeyed, lifting his body up so Bruce could pull the shirt off.

Bruce had enough of Jack's teasing; he needed to feel his friend's skin under him. He had been in control until Jack had started playing under his shirt. It was too much. He felt like a kid again, sneaking a girl into his room at prep school. The heated touches, the burning and instinctual urges to that told him exactly what should go where. But, this was different in one major way...what to go where... he didn't want to think about that quite yet. What he did want to think about was snaking his hands under the band of Jack's Levi's and teasing him right back.

Despite the pail color, Jack's skin was soft beneath Bruce's fingers. He teased the crease of muscles where hip met leg, sighing contentedly into Jack's mouth. The dealer moaned and ran his hands along Bruce's back. Jack's hands slid further and began to shimmy between their bodies to get at those illusive Ralph Lauren's at the same time Bruce moved to get to those Levi's.

Their hands tangled together in the process and Bruce couldn't help but laugh. Jack hit one of his hands out of the way and matched his laugher with a loud guffaw.

“Bastard,” Bruce mumbled against Jack's neck as he felt the dealer's hand claim victory, unzipping his fly.

“You'll be changing your tune any second now, Mr. Wayne,” Jack punctuated his sentence with a playful nip on the corner of Bruce's ear.

“Is that so Mr. N - ah!”

Coherent thoughts ceased as Jack enclosed Bruce's erection in a tight fist. He even forgot about touching Jack, letting his arms go limp. His eyes closed and he buried his face in Jack's neck. The amazing feeling of Jack stroking him in perfect rhythm sank back into his core, up his spine and left his mouth in a jumble of noises he wasn't sure he had ever made before.

Bruce's cock was ridged and warm in Jack's hand. The dealer felt like he was losing control. With every stroke Bruce got louder and it lit his nerve-endings on fire. He had never heard something so hot. Plus Bruce's mouth against his neck, it was almost too much to bear. He wanted to roll that privileged boy over and fuck him until his cries shattered the windows.

“Jack, god, Jack. Don't stop. Fuck me.”

Fuck me.

Jack didn't have to have his hand down his pants to know he was leaking precome. Every man had a limit and Jack had reached it. Using all his strength he flipped their bodies so he was on top, quickly crushing his mouth against Bruce's to stop any protest. He pulled Bruce's jeans and underwear off in one clean sweep.


There was a hint of hesitation on Bruce's face; Jack knew he may have realized what he just said. But he didn't care. As Jack formulated a plan as he stripped out of his remaining clothes.

Bruce's heart pounded with every crunch of the leather sofa as Jack crawled on top of him. Why had he said that? Jack's mouth brushed against Bruce's. They kissed and began to rub against one another. Bruce couldn't hold back a moan.

That husky baritone in Jack's ear was driving him closer to the edge with every mumbled sound of pleasure.

Jack wanted to be inside him so badly, to have power over him. That would get him so much closer to his ultimate goal. Jack knew Bruce never let anyone in. Bruce's body language spoke volumes during their first encounters. He liked keeping everything at a distance, people and his emotions. However, if he could make the billionaire open to him physically, entering him emotionally would not be too far behind. Then it would only be a matter of time...

Jack began to thrust harder, the thought of his ultimate goal arousing him in a way the man beneath him never could.

The volume of Bruce's moaning increased as the billionaire lost himself in the situation, uncaring of who may hear. It felt so alien to be in this vulnerable with another person. Every time they fooled around, Bruce felt as if he was having an out of body experience. Moments between the heat and sweat were filled with brief thoughts of hesitance but whenever they crept up, he forced himself more into the moment. He knew this was the only truly selfish act he could ever allow himself. Something that could destroy him if he let it get too out of hand.

“Bruce, look at me.”

He had turned away without realizing it, getting temporarily lost in his thoughts.

“Please,” Jack kissed his cheek.

“Don't,” Jack kissed his forehead.

“Think,” Jack kissed his lips.

Bruce silently cursed himself as he kissed Jack back.

“Sorry,” Bruce bit his lip. He couldn't imagine what it must be like having someone distracted while you tried to please them.

Jack tried not to get frustrated as he stared down at Bruce. He kissed Bruce and started to move his hips with a little more force than before.

Bruce pulled his lips away, “Jack.”

The dealer opened his eyes.

“I want to,” Bruce pushed Jack away and maneuvered them both to a sitting position.

“Bruce?” Jack wasn't quite sure what was going on but was overjoyed when Bruce leaned forward and took his cock into that perfect mouth. Jack moaned and ran his fingers through Bruce's hair, resisting the urge to push the head in his lap down and fill the billionaire's throat.

Vibrations surrounded Jack's sensitive flesh as Bruce started to hum.

Son of a bitch, thought Jack. He had tried being patient but this was too much. He had to stop now before he came and missed out on all the fun he had planned.

“Turn around,” Jack tried to make it sound as authoritative as possible.

Bruce's face turned towards him, his cheeks red and lips swollen from kisses, “what?”

His eyes were still a little glazed over from pleasure but Jack could tell the realization of what Bruce interpreted was going to happen was slipping through the haze. He had to be careful here.

“Just lie down on your stomach.”


Bruce looked hesitant. Jack put one hand on Bruce's chest and gently pushed him backwards.

“Trust me.”

Jack kissed Bruce in an effort to distract him. Jack laid on top of Bruce, kissing his neck and waiting for an answer. He had to do this right; every step of this had to be Bruce's choice. Jack had to give him the illusion of control.

Finally, Bruce sighed out an “ok” and turned over. Jack did a victory dance with fireworks and pom-poms in his head. Now he just had to get that perfect ass elevated. He slid his hand under Bruce and started to stroke him. It worked like magic, Bruce's hips coming off the couch a little more with every stroke. Jack kissed Bruce's lower back and looked up to see Bruce's eyes on him.

“Don't worry, you're virginity is safe with me... for now.”Jack let out his best sinister laugh.

“Jack I...”

“Head forward, Mister.”

Bruce did as he was told. At least he was getting a little better at taking orders, Jack thought. Now there was only one problem left to solve, lube. Jack grabbed his backpack off the table, hoping he still had some.

Forget about being calm and collected, Bruce was filled with apprehension. Why had he so easily gotten into such a vulnerable position?

A cold substance dripped onto his tail bone, some of it sliding down between his ass. Jack's hand was still working between his legs and Bruce fought with his mind in an effort to focus on the pleasure. Stop thinking, stop thinking, stop thinking....

“Do you trust me?” Jack's voice was shaky with need - Bruce knew he was on the edge.

Silence filled the space left by Jack's question. Bruce's head dropped as he thought, but only for a moment.

Jack was many things, a few which made Bruce wary, but he always made sure Bruce was safe. At the parties, Jack had kept him under a watchful eye; he avoided him when he thought it would cause Bruce real problems, even something as stupid as insisting he look at his school work before he turned it in. Even in bed, Jack was still looking out for Bruce at every moment. In the end Bruce realized he knew the answer before Jack even asked him the question. He trusted the crazy son of a bitch.


Jack's hand stroked Bruce's sensitive tip as a reward. Suddenly Jack's entire body blanketed his back.

Jack kissed Bruce's neck and ran his hands down the sides of the billionaire's body. Jack pressed his hips down, trapping his dick in the wet circle of lube between their two bodies. It was then Bruce realized that the lube was on his back, and stayed on his back. At this realization, Bruce relaxed completely and bucked backwards.

Jack grunted at the first rush of friction between their bodies. He began to match the motion of their bodies with his hand. Victory was his, at least for today. Bruce said he trusted him. Jack felt a peculiar warmth in his chest. How long had it been since he heard someone say that and meant it? Take your own fucking advice and don't think, Jack closed his eyes and buried his face in Bruce's hair. He bucked his hips at a quicker pace, the friction focused low in his shaft. He smiled at the amazing sensation and bit Bruce's neck. The action caused Bruce to cry out.

Jack smiled against Bruce's skin.

It didn't take long before both boys were glistening with sweat and moving at a disjointed, frantic pace - desperate to tip over the edge.


“Come Bruce, come NOW!” Jack growled out the words as he felt his orgasm rip through his body. As the first wave of hot moisture spilled out between their bodies Jack felt Bruce coming in his hand.

Halfway through, Bruce's legs gave way and they both flopped down onto the sofa. The billionaire didn't care about the expensive leather beneath him as he came. Bruce heard Jack flop onto the floor as he tried to catch his breath.

“Nothing like an orgasm to put you in the mood for reading some British Literature,” Jack chuckled.
Bruce turned around to give a sarcastic response to Jack's asinine post coital statement but instead was distracted by the substance covering Jack's cock and abdomen. It was red...

“Jack, what the fuck?”

Bruce reached around to his back and scraped a bit of the substance off. He looked back at Jack who was wearing a smirk that let Bruce know he was not going to like what he found. He sniffed his finger...vinegar?

“Is this fucking ketchup?!”

Bruce knew he should be mad, that was a very expensive couch, plus he was covered in ketchup, but he couldn't stop laughing.

“I was in a pinch! Then I remembered the burger I had for lunch,” Jack said, his laughter combining with Bruce's, “besides, I think it preformed its purpose marvelously”

Bruce stood up, the cold wetness on his back making him laugh harder. He kicked Jack lightly in the leg.

“You're an asshole.”

“Yes, but you're laughing and we just had, if I may say, wonderful sex so I think it all worked out in my favor,” Jack looked up at Bruce from the floor with a shit-eating grin on his face.

Bruce stepped over Jack and moved towards his bedroom. He heard Jack scramble to his feet behind him.

“Where ya goin'?” Jack tried to make his voice sound innocent.

“I was going to go roll around in my bed to get this come and ketchup mixture off my back.”

“Oh really...well if that's your thing...”

Bruce stopped suddenly and turned around, causing Jack to bump into him and coat his front in ketchup. Bruce looked down and sighed.

“Sorry,” Jack laughed.

“I'm going to take a shower, I really need one now,” Bruce laughed, poking Jack in the forehead.

Bruce turned and continued towards the bathroom. He entered and didn't stop Jack, who scooted into the bathroom behind him.

“I'll scrub your back.”

“I somehow don't think you can behave yourself.”

“Oh I got it all out of my system, scouts honor.”

Bruce shut the door behind them, wondering if Jack was the worst thing or the best thing to ever happen to his academic career.

nightminds, writing, batman/joker, porn

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