Nightminds - Chapter 9

Dec 11, 2008 23:00

I have been through hell and back in the past month (a painful breakup, a job change, starting graduate school and two weeks of a flu that got me on very good terms with our remodeled bathroom) and I can't thank you all enough for your comments. They really helped when I was going through the worst of it. I'm sorry chapters have been so irregular lately.

Title: Nightminds
Chapter: Chapter 9 of ?
Author: spygirl690
Disclaimer: If these characters were mine I would broadcast their sex acts daily. No daily video so hence - they are not mine. *pouts*
Rating: R to NC17
Pairing: Batman/Joker.
Warning: drug use, language, sex, graphic violence in later chapters
Summary: This story examines the months Bruce spent at Princeton before returning to start his journey in Batman Begins. The title was inspired by the Missy Higgins song Nightminds.
Thanks to beta toriolees .
Find all previous chapters of Nightminds here

Chapter 9
Bruce awoke feeling slightly groggy. Sleep only came in short burst last night, punctuating the time he spent tossing and turning in between. He walked out to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of orange juice. Bruce's mind turned to the guilt that had gnawed at him last night.

He shut his eyes and let the orange juice rest on his tongue, trying to focus on the flavor rather than the look in Jack's eyes after he turned down the invitation to another party. Putting his dishes in the dishwasher Bruce tried, for the thousandth time, to rationalize why he had done that. But all the reasons fell flat. In truth, he'd been avoiding Jack since their dinner on Wednesday.

Bruce absently chewed on a knuckle, a bad habit from schooldays, as he reentered his bedroom. He pulled out his typical jogging outfit, a t shirt and sweatpants.

On the other hand, Jack was fun to hang around with, sure, but he was too much like other friends he'd had in his profligate past. This was only going to lead to trouble. He didn't need trouble right now.

Bruce tightened the laces on his sneakers.

Besides, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who stays with one person for long, Bruce thought as he pulled a gray hooded sweatshirt over his head.

He probably has forgotten about you already, the thought made him pause before he opened his front door. He passed off the unease in his stomach to eating breakfast too quickly, nothing a run wouldn't fix.

Bruce opened the door and heard the sound of glass ricocheting off the hallway. He looked towards the elevator and saw Jack sleeping on the armchair in the hallway. Several beer bottles were scattered on the end table Jack had propped his feet up on. A few rolled on the floor.

What is he doing here? Bruce thought as he stepped into the hallway, leaving the door open behind him.

He walked around the chair and noticed Jack had a cut on his forehead, blood streaming down the side of his face. There wasn't any bruising, so it couldn't have been that bad. Still, Bruce knew he had to wake him up and make sure he was alright.

Bruce felt guilty as he put his hand on Jack's arms to wake him. This was his fault. He had no reason to say no to Jack last night. Alfred's voice rang in his head, friendship may be a hard journey because you have to open yourself to a person. But it is a task worth undertaking Master Bruce.

“Jack,” Bruce shook the sleeping boy's arm lightly. Jacks lean form shifted slightly and he made a sound of displeasure. Bruce smiled, shaking harder. Jack open his left eye just enough to let light in.

Jack put his hand to his head and squinted, “Bruce?”

Both of Jack's eyes were opening slowly, “What are you doing in my room?”

Bruce laughed, “What are you doing in my entryway?”

“Wha? I'm not,” Jack sat up carefully and took in his surroundings, “Ugh god.”

Jack slouched forward in the chair, holding his head, “I don't know how I got here.”

“Well that makes two of us,” Bruce slid his hand under Jack's arm and tugged slightly, “Come on, I'll give you some Advil.”

Jack stood on uncertain footing and looked at Bruce through squinted eyes, “Thanks.”

A beer bottle rolled under Jack’s feet and he stumbled forward, knocking Bruce into the wall. On instinct Bruce grabbed Jack to keep him from falling. Jack ended up pressed into Bruce's chest while Bruce was pinned against the wall. Their faces inches away, Bruce could still smell the beer on Jack's breath.

“Sorry,” Jack pulled away, nervously tucking his hair behind his ear. Bruce followed him into the apartment, shutting the door behind them.

“Did I interrupt your run?” Jack said as he sat in the barstool Bruce pulled out for him.

“It's no big deal,” Bruce said rummaging through his kitchen cabinets. He grabbed a bottle of water and a banana out of the fridge and put them on the counter in front of Jack.

Bruce put two Advil in front of Jack and eyed him with concern, “How’s your head?”

Jack was busy munching on the banana, “My head?”

Bruce was back to the cabinets, looking for his first aid kit. He found in under the sink and walked over to sit on the stool next to Jack. Bruce dabbed at the wound with a cloth to remove the blood so he could see the damage underneath.

“Yeah, you've got a cut there. Nothing bad I think. Let me just check it out to make sure,” Bruce leaned forward and used the penlight in his hand to illuminate the spot on Jack's head. Thankfully, there was only minimal bruising.

“I know this is a bad question given your current state but, how do you feel? Any blurred vision? Can you remember what happened last night?”

Bruce started cleaning the cut with peroxide.

“Yes Dr. Bruce I'm fine. I just fell...” Their eyes met and Jack smiled, “clumsy when drunk I guess.”

Bruce handed him a band aid, “well if you start feeling dizzy or have blurred vision go to the hospital. That could mean you have a concussion.”

“I didn't think you were a pre-med,” Jack finished the bottle of water and threw it in the trashcan next to him.

“No, my dad was a doctor,” Bruce said as he put the kit under the sink. He turned back to Jack, thankful to have the barrier of the counter between them. Jack had only been there for a few seconds but already they had been too close for Bruce's comfort - twice. Still, he felt somewhat responsible for Jack's current condition.

“A doctor? Well that's interesting. My dad was a mechanic, or at least that's what his taxes said. The garage was just a front to sell drugs out of,” Jack said tossing the banana peel in the trash.

Bruce passed a granola bar at Jack over the counter, “Keep eating.”

“Fattening me up for the kill?” Jack laughed quietly, the hangover still subduing his personality.

“No, just want to get you feeling better so I know you won't kill yourself in my shower,” Bruce said walking around the counter to stand near Jack.

“Shower?” Jack's mouth was still filled with granola.

“I'm going to go for a run but I'll leave some clothes for you to borrow in the bathroom. I won't be gone more than an hour. Maybe we could get lunch when I get back.”

Jack stood and smiled, “Lead the way.”

Bruce led Jack out of the kitchen, across the living room and through a door next to his bedroom. A large multi-head shower enclosed in glass was situated in the corner of the large room, next to a granite counter top with a dark blue sink. The color of the sink and the counter coordinated with the tile on the floor. Bruce gave Jack a brief rundown of the shower setup.

“Don't worry, I think my poor man's shower works just the same as yours,” Jack laughed.

Bruce walked into his room to grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for Jack. Bruce went back into the bathroom to find that Jack had already stripped out of his shirt. Jack's back was towards him and he got another good look at the scars marring his skin before Jack turned to him.

“Thanks,” Jack said, taking the clothes. He noticed the green shirt and chuckled, wiggling his finger at Bruce, “Oh you and your jokes about my drug dealing.”

Bruce shook his head as he shut the bathroom door behind him. As he entered the elevator he thought of the conversation he had with Jack in the kitchen. It was the first time in a long time he talked to someone about his father. Bruce's sneakers echoed in the empty lobby before he opened the door and stepped into the frigid air.

Those scars on Jack's back haunted his thoughts as he set out for his run. Jack's past and his past were both vacant of parents and filled with conflicts and choices they didn't want to make.

nightminds, batman/joker

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