Title: Escapades (4/10)
Pairing: Booth/Brennan
Spoilers: none
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Certainly there would no longer be a need for guessing once Angela told everyone what she was witnessing
Word count:5,915
Prompts: a jacket/coat, something purple, and a cold beverage of some sort, place: Dupont Circle (prompts by
A/N: Huge thanks to
crearealidad for the
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Comments 5
I honestly can't wait for more because this is fantastic. Booth and Bones together is great on it's own and you just do it really really well.
I'll stop rambling now; GREAT JOB :)
Not to mention, I'm never going to get over this line:
They kissed like they bickered: one would never let the argument fade, always firing back a new reply, a new argument to keep the discussion alive.
LOVED it! It was funny and sexy and well written and I had a great time reading! I´m totally in love with your fics, Lucy, you always do an amazing job, and I mean it :-)
My favs:
I absolutely loved the beginning. I love the idea of Booth waiting for her, sitting on her couch. I don´t know, but it´s something I really love to imagine when I think of the two of them in a relationship. And then the way they talk about that he has a new case but at the same time start to stare at their lips, it was awesome! :-)
"They kissed like they bickered"
I totally LOVED your description of their kisses. I found it simply brilliant :-)
I also love the way you wrote the story, with Brennan telling Angela one of their escapades. I was reading and it was like watching a movie with flashbacks or something, with the voice over and all, lol. I really enjoyed it ;-)
"His palms are the appropriate size ( ... )
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