(no subject)

Oct 07, 2007 02:42

Title: Sans
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: BSG
P/C: Boomer/Cally, prompt: envy
A/N: OMG I wrote femmeslash! Where did that come from? Well, blame the people over at getyourtoaster. And the band Stars. And general twisted horniness at 2AM following a Formula 1 race.
Summary: This isn’t the first time they’ve done something like this.

Boomer moans as Cally runs her fingers over her clit pausing to dip a finger inside her. This isn’t the first time they’ve done something like this.

Before, when Sharon was just a rookie and she and the Chief were just beginning to routinely meet in storage closets, Cally would shyly ply her with questions. Boomer had always known that the specialist had had feelings for the Chief, but she indulged her, liking the feeling of almost sisterly superiority.

Sharon had walked across the deck, fresh from sex, and practically ran into Cally. Cally had seen the look on her face and the way her clothes were almost superfluous on her body. She knew that Sharon had just been with the Chief, and, suddenly bold, leaned in to kiss Boomer, wanting to taste Tyrol, just this once. Boomer’s mouth had opened up under her lips. She ran her tongue along the underside of Cally’s, her hands sweeping up the smaller woman’s back.

Cally pulled Boomer to the deck, her fingers hooked in the waste band of her greens. She gently laid Sharon out on the floor, sliding her pants down. She nuzzled her way between Boomer’s knees. She licked at her clit tentatively, nipping at it. Sharon bucked her hips and almost cried out. She felt Cally slide her fingers into her.

Sharon’s hands pressed into Cally’s back as she came, biting her lip not to scream. She pulled Cally towards her by her orange jumpsuit, so like Tyrol’s. She began to kiss her furiously. She undid the snaps, pulling her uniform aside to suck on her breast. Cally let out a mewling sound, her hand buried between her own legs.

Neither of them said his name but they could each read it, tattooed all over their bodies.

Now, Boomer kisses Cally even more deeply, almost fiercely, seeking Galen’s taste in her mouth. She massages Cally’s breasts, imagining his hands where hers are only hours before. It’s all she can do not to moan his name as Cally kisses her way down below Boomer’s navel.

When they finish, Boomer looks away while Cally dresses herself. “I’ll see what I can do about getting you out of here.”

Cally nods almost imperceptibly. “Galen sends his regards,” she says stiffly. As Boomer breezes out the door, she whispers, almost inaudibly, “Thank you.”

The Bright World

femmeslash, battlestar galactica

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