Title: End of All Endings
rosehipteaRating: PG
Warnings: morbid imagery
Word count: 363
Summary: James and regret.
A/N: For the prompt: Silent Hill, James/Mary: lover's suicide - swimming blindly to throw myself upon your shore. I’m really sorry it’s late.
Had the disease taken so much of her? )
Comments 4
Which, in all fairness, I probably shouldn't feel after the fic because it's depressing and tragic subject matter - but honestly, like I care about supposed to. I am gleeful and joyous because it's *good*, and it's one of my favourite pairings handled well with the tragedy and the romance that it deserves, and you brought in the 'you might be going to a different place than Mary' idea, and it's so *creepy* and sad and heartbreaking and wonderful and I just love you :).
I really feel for James here and with his decision for the In Water ending. And flashbacks to their first date. Just...umph. ♥
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