a little tribute to Good Guy, Bad Guy on this open posting day...

Jun 20, 2008 20:30

Blame cordelianne and reremouse!  It's their fault.  Their fault entirely for writing such an amazing, wonderful, goofy, sexy, and just plain crazy-pants story.  I couldn't help myself.  When they gave us so much delight in every chapter it seemed like the whole fic was bursting at the seams... well, it inspired the equally crazy-pants wallpapers under the cut.  And ( Read more... )

pairing: spike/xander, media: icons, media: graphics, creator: katekat1010

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Comments 19

brunettepet June 21 2008, 01:42:15 UTC
Every quote on those icons gave me a happy thrill. This tribute is wonderful.


katekat1010 June 21 2008, 01:45:47 UTC
yay! thank you! every line of them did that for me too (which is why i couldn't stop myself from making these)


xenachakram12 June 21 2008, 05:03:54 UTC
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous! You always make great stuff!!


katekat1010 June 22 2008, 16:42:41 UTC
thank you!! i'm so glad you like it! (and that's so sweet of you to say!)


savoytruffle June 21 2008, 05:48:11 UTC
It really needs to be said that you are a completely awesome person. Good authors deserve to be appreciated and I cannot imagine a more wonderful and artistically beautiful way for appreciation to be shown.


katekat1010 July 2 2008, 04:30:54 UTC
honestly, I have to say your comment completely floored me. It is one of the nicest things that anyone has said about these silly things that I can't seem to stop doing (really, they are so much fun, especially since it means i have an excuse for rereading things i truly love) and about me for doing it. Thank you. You totally floored me and I kind of let myself get overwhelmed (in the best of all ways), and rendered speechless by you too (hence the seriously long delay in my thanking you for it). I think part of me kept putting of responding to your comment just so I could come back and read it again. Thank you, seriously, thank you.


savoytruffle July 4 2008, 07:37:23 UTC
seriously, i had the joy of witnessing in person the way one of the authors felt about receiving this gift - and it was truly wonderful.


cordelianne June 21 2008, 06:21:35 UTC
Wow! Wow!! I've been sitting here staring at this post and alternating saying "wow" and "this is wonderful" over and over again. I think this is as close to speechless as I can get! :) I'm still feeling very incoherent so we'll see how I do with commenting ( ... )


cordelianne June 28 2008, 05:42:16 UTC
I'm back with further thoughts! I've been enjoying my new wallpaper (and plan to switch to the one with quotes soon (currently it's the images)). I love how S/X are positioned back to back, in a good guy bad guy kind of pose! Great pics of them too! And the grey that you use in the wallpaper is fantastic, so appropriate to the story in terms of things not being black and white.

I'm definitely going to be uploading icon #4! And there's so many others to chose from! I love 7, 8 & 9 too! Oooh, and it makes me especially happy to have the rules quote in icon 13 - some reremouse brilliance. I'm still musing on which icons to upload. I continue to have this post open on a tab and I'll just gaze and it and smile.

Thanks so much, babe! :D


katekat1010 July 2 2008, 04:41:40 UTC
Ok, so I'm gonna say this to both of you, but you know what I loved, absoultely loved, about making this wallpaper? Not only did I get to go back and reread the whole thing from the beginning, twice, (I think at least), but I also got to learn where in the hell you were taking them both (and recognize places that I knew already). And I'm so glad to have rendered you at least a little bit incoherent, because seriously? There is not enough feedback in the world that I could leave to make you realize how much I loved (and still love) reading your fic (this one in specific, but many all of them period, also), and it makes me feel less guilty for not leaving you feedback for all of the wonderous words you put on paper ( ... )


darkhavens June 21 2008, 07:09:22 UTC
Beautiful work! :D


katekat1010 July 2 2008, 04:42:07 UTC
Thank you so much!! It was one of the funnest wallpapers that I've done in ages.


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