a little tribute to Good Guy, Bad Guy on this open posting day...

Jun 20, 2008 20:30

Blame cordelianne and reremouse!  It's their fault.  Their fault entirely for writing such an amazing, wonderful, goofy, sexy, and just plain crazy-pants story.  I couldn't help myself.  When they gave us so much delight in every chapter it seemed like the whole fic was bursting at the seams... well, it inspired the equally crazy-pants wallpapers under the cut.  And the perfect lines in each chapter?  I couldn't incorporate every perfect line (WAY TOO MANY).  But I couldn't resist at least one minty-fresh gem from each chapter, so I've made 18 text only icons stealing the best lines (and I truly hope both of you will forgive me for stealing without asking before hand?).  You will all find two different versions of the wallpaper - one with images representing one of the goofy, giggly, sigh-inspiring or toe tingling moments from each of the chapters...  and one with words.

teasers?  sure!


1280x1024 l 1024x768

1280x1024 l 1024x768

NOTE:  when you use these icons, please give credit for the text to both cordelianne and reremouse in your icon description!!!!!

Chs 1  2  3  4  5  6


Chs 7  8  9  10  11  12


Chs 13  14  15  16  17  18


Also, thank you, both cordelianne and reremouse, for making this community so wonderful, and for all of your hard work, not only writing fic but modding the pants off the comm!!

pairing: spike/xander, media: icons, media: graphics, creator: katekat1010

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