21 Xander Icons

May 15, 2008 21:35

My last post for the day!  Thank you to everyone who left such sweet comments!  I hope you like this last little set of icons (whipped up today just because I actually could!)


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pairing: buffy/xander, pairing: giles/xander, media: icons, pairing: oz/xander, pairing: willow/xander, creator: katekat1010

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Comments 16

elizabuffy May 16 2008, 03:30:46 UTC
God, I love Xander and this episode. I love what you do with the icons here. Just lovely. You really remind me the awesomeness that is my Xander.




katekat1010 May 16 2008, 03:44:21 UTC
thank you my pumpkin girl! it is really good to remember the awesomeness that is Xander, isn't it? it was so much fun to go back to the early season and see him again ;)


antennapedia May 16 2008, 05:05:34 UTC
#18 is completely rocking my socks for some reason. Sweet.


katekat1010 May 17 2008, 02:17:12 UTC
hee! that's awesome! thank you lady!


jasonsnene May 16 2008, 10:26:29 UTC
Beautimous! Love 'em!


katekat1010 May 17 2008, 02:17:27 UTC
heee!! thank you!!


cordelianne May 16 2008, 17:32:59 UTC
Oooh, more Xander icony goodness!! Choices, choices!! I love that you included Xander and the jello, such an awesome Xander moment! I really love the lighting in the Xander & Buffy one. I'm really taken with #15 and how it's framed. really fantastic. I shall now be mulling over which icons to upload! Thanks for another awesome contribution to SWX! :D


katekat1010 May 17 2008, 02:19:44 UTC
It was my total and utter pleasure! And thank you for making the day totally special with the feedback too - I hope you do end up finding something you like from this set to use lady!


ubiquirk May 18 2008, 14:01:08 UTC
As always, you show off your cropping mad skills! I love all the attention to his various facial expressions.


katekat1010 May 19 2008, 07:11:19 UTC
heee! thank you so much - these were great fun to do just because even though I remember NB as being expressive, I didn't remember *all* of this! So much goes on that it's fun to freeze frame and capture a little bit of it.


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