42 Xander icons

May 15, 2008 14:12

so, remember that picspam I posted earlier?  here are some icons to go right along with - most of them are from The Zeppo (although there are a couple from the wallpapers I'm posting today too)


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pairing: angel/xander, pairing: spike/xander, pairing: giles/xander, media: icons, pairing: oz/xander, creator: katekat1010, rating: all audiences

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Comments 15

cmk418 May 15 2008, 19:52:47 UTC
Oh, these are nice. I was so hoping you'd do something like this. I'm grabbing #38 - which is one of my favorite moments from the show. Thank you!


katekat1010 May 15 2008, 20:24:36 UTC
hee! Thank you! And yeah, once I've messed with the screencaps I can't seem to help making icons. #38 is one of my favorite moments too - the whole quiet win is just awesome.


jasonsnene May 15 2008, 20:39:48 UTC
Love them. Want to take so many! Ahh!! Choices choices!!!


katekat1010 May 16 2008, 04:10:25 UTC
heee! I'm glad there are so many things you like!!


mysticsoblivion May 15 2008, 23:30:33 UTC
Hehe, nice! Mys knows it's twisted, but when she saw #35 the only thing she could think of was Army of Darkness, "Get an axe". *now has images of Xander as Ash dancing about her head*


katekat1010 May 16 2008, 04:12:31 UTC
heeeee! that would be way too perfect in terms of casting, actually! And so awesome! I'm so glad you like ;)


cordelianne May 16 2008, 05:37:51 UTC
Ooooh, more fantastic icons!! This really is an episode that needs an entire set of icons. Of course, that just makes it a zillion times harder to pick which ones to use!! I love that you did that Xander & Angel moment. That always cracks me up. As does the "that's not cake mix". I really love #37! And oooh, to the icons of the fics - I must take some of them because gorgeous S/X but which ones?!! I will credit when I do snag. Gorgeous icons! :D


katekat1010 May 17 2008, 02:08:16 UTC
Thank you dear lady!! Not only because you say such wonderful things (and because it's so much fun to give you so many things that tempt) but seriously your feedback on both days has been part of the highlight of doing spring w/xan - it is awesome and makes me grin!


tabaqui May 17 2008, 04:14:03 UTC
Lovely . Snagged number 39, of course.


katekat1010 May 22 2008, 16:50:28 UTC
*grin* YAY! thank you (and enjoy)


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