42 Xander icons

May 15, 2008 14:12

so, remember that picspam I posted earlier?  here are some icons to go right along with - most of them are from The Zeppo (although there are a couple from the wallpapers I'm posting today too)



1  2  3  4  5


6  7  8  9  10


11  12  13  14  15


16  17  18  19  20


21  22  23  24  25


26  27  28  29  30


31  32  33  34  35


36  37  38  39  40


41  42


pairing: angel/xander, pairing: spike/xander, pairing: giles/xander, media: icons, pairing: oz/xander, creator: katekat1010, rating: all audiences

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