Who Were You When the New Day Dawned [J2] NC-17

Aug 16, 2013 09:00

Fic title: Who Were You When The New Day Dawned
Author name: candygramme and spoonlessone
Artist name:evian_fork
Beta: laurathelurker
Genre: RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~41,800
Warnings: dystopian world, theocracy, brainwashing, homophobia
Summary: In the distant future, mankind fought, and by doing so lost their battle for the Earth. A select few of the richest people fled to Mars, leaving their home a toxic waste dump filled with chemicals and radiation. Now they are trying to reclaim the Earth, but they didn't count on the ones they left behind.
Amazing artwork: Ibrahil

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | PDF | Ao3 | Soundtrack | Author's Notes

j2, big bang, fic

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