(Art Set SPN-J2-Big Bang) Who Where You When The New Day Dawned? by spoonlessone and candygramme

Aug 16, 2013 01:32

Title: Who Where You When The New Day Dawned?
Authors: candygramme and spoonlessone
Rating: R
Warnings: none

Jensen lives in Dallas, in the Lone Star Colony on a post-apocalyptic Earth. He’s been re-educated (brainwashed) to believe he is Eric Brady, expendable freight-hauler. Dallas is a crumbling mess of asphalt and concrete encased in a dome, unused freeways and buildings derelict while those in use are maintained in barely usable condition. New buildings, such as a temple built of limestone polished to look like marble, dot the area, a tribute to the power and benevolence of the new fundamentalist religious regime. Most people travel by hovercar, so the crumbling roadways aren’t a problem, but Eric’s heavy loads must be transported by old fashioned tractor-trailer trucks. A huge, visibly fractured moon serves as a chilling reminder of the war that destroyed the earth.Jared, a rebel deemed Unacceptable by the new regime who works as a scrap hauler scavenging from the ruins of Old Earth as well as items abandoned by the new regime, rescues Eric when his truck breaks down while on a trip Outside the dome. Jared introduces Eric to “real food” like steak and fries which Eric has been taught are Unclean, shows him how to defend himself from the mutant bunnies (huge rabbits with teeth large enough to snap a man’s arm like a carrot stick), and introduces him to the rebel leaders who have a message for Eric that help him remember that he is actually Jensen, who was born on the Martian colony founded by the ultra-fundamentalist refugees from the war that devastated the earth. Together, Jensen and Jared set out to reclaim the Earth.

(Clic on the picture to go to the fic)

Ok, so this is a last minute pinch hit, and it was so easy to work on it, because the summary and the fic, gave me all the ideas and the inspiration to this new set :D I'm so happy I got to work with candygramme and spoonlessone!! Their fic is awesome, a nice and neat story about Jensen finding his true self thanks to the natural curiosity in the human race; this is sort of like a sci-fi story, also please dont mind the stupid icon with the wrong title, I'm still trying to figure out what in the world happened there *cries* (and since my internet connection hates me, I hadnt been able to upload the correct version)

Please enjoy the art and go read the story!






You can find it here











@art: comision, @art: spnj2bb, +fandom: supernatural rps

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