Happy Valentine's Day

Feb 14, 2010 14:48

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except a pair of Spock ears.
Rating: NC17
A/N: a wee Valentine in 250 words.


Red is the colour of her uniform, and the infernal underpants she hates so much. She calls them “granny pants”, but not in front of him. The only time he hears this colloquialism, a blood-curdling image of Sarek’s fearsome mother wearing Nyota’s uniform flashes into his mind. After three hours of meditation the image finally clears.

Red is the colour of an alternative pair of underwear he admires greatly. Silk and lace, light as a whisper, he delights in sliding them down the length of her smooth, oiled limbs. He cannot understand human male excitement at the discovery that a mate has not worn underwear. Its removal and consequent revelation is his greatest pleasure; each time he does so he cannot believe it is permitted. He imagines sometimes, on the bridge, that she has accidentally worn the silk and lace instead of the sturdy Starfleet issue. He fantasises sliding them efficiently down as she bends sinuously over the science console. Kirk believes his First Officer is carrying out mental warp calculations.

Red is the colour of a pair of shoes that give him immeasurable pleasure. Shiny and impossibly high, she is unable to walk even one step in them. He polishes them lovingly before bringing them reverently to his mistress. The act of slipping them slowly and gently over her small feet signals the end of his careful restraint. They are her only adornment. Much later, the heels dig hard, close together on either side of his spine, like fangs.

spock, nc17, uhura

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