In an earlier post, rubynye suggested that the spock_uhura comm do a postcard drive similar to what teamgaila did to Save Gaila. And that we should let Abrams/Orci/Kurtzman know how we felt...So- we could ask permission from our favorite fanartists from either the S/U Awards or from over at SpockAndUhura.
based in the prime universe, but which has Spock getting moved from universe to universe in which he gets to see the different lives he's lived with Uhura, but all he wants to do is get home to his Uhura.
Anyone know where I can find a meme? Specifically a Star Trek meme. I have heard it's where you can put in requests or challenges for certain types of stories and other people write and post them. As I understand it. I have some Star Trek 2009 stories I would like to see but don't see available in the type of communities
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