Hey Ma, Look at Me! Dean/Cas!

Jul 12, 2009 15:34

Last week we told y’all about a fun, new activity we’re doing here at the Lounge. Something we like to call Hey Ma, Look at Me! A nifty little place where our awesome writers can come and strut their stuff. We called for all your best Dean/Cas (slash or gen) fics, and boy did you guys deliver! After the cut you’ll find all the yummy fics ( Read more... )

hey ma look at me!, mod post

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Comments 6

Dean/Cas fic submission! thevinegarworks July 12 2009, 21:19:44 UTC

*ahem* Here's my HMLAM submission:

Title: The Propensities of Good Men
Author: thevinegarworks
Disclaimer: Pffft, I wish.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Dean/Belial, Castiel/Belial, Dean/Castiel/Belial...
Spoilers: This fic goes AU after 4/19.
Warnings: Uhhh... violence, sexuality, dub-con, language, demonic orgies, etc.
Word Count: WIP
Summary: In which Dean and Castiel embark on an epic love affair, Sam struggles with that thing called morality, Dean gets whammied by a demonic sex spell, and an old world Archdemon crosses paths with the boys and proves to be a much bigger problem than anticipated.

Sorryyyyy, I completely fail at making deadlines apparently.


deans_fetish July 12 2009, 22:54:21 UTC
Pfft! You missed the deadline, apparently I missed the post all together! What a pair are we, eh? *snorts and winks*



deans_fetish July 12 2009, 23:21:46 UTC

Title: My Immortal

Author: Fetish of Cheapen the Moment team. sam_dean_fetish

Characters: Dean, Castiel, Ellen, Bobby

Rating: R - language - blasphemy

Spoilers: Meh, S1-4 - sort of.

Disclaimer: I own nothing... except a computer that I was watching Sam death videos on... which gave me this idea.

Summery: The demon boy prince is dead and Dean is barely holding it all together... and then he isn't at all.

Word count: 1295


kira_bouviea July 13 2009, 01:16:23 UTC
I forgot the rating? *facepalm* LOL.

...It's pg-13 I suppose.

Also, I guess that I've found my reading list for the next week. Damn, I forgot about some wonderful Dean/Castiel fics that have been posted.


eggblue July 13 2009, 04:12:02 UTC
Awesome! Soooo many of these I haven't read, and from authors I like too :)


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