Hey Ma, Look at Me! Dean/Cas!

Jul 12, 2009 15:34

Last week we told y’all about a fun, new activity we’re doing here at the Lounge. Something we like to call Hey Ma, Look at Me! A nifty little place where our awesome writers can come and strut their stuff. We called for all your best Dean/Cas (slash or gen) fics, and boy did you guys deliver! After the cut you’ll find all the yummy fics submitted (in alphabetical order, to be unbiased), as well as the information on what genre we’ll be doing next Sunday. Some come on down, read some fics, leave some feedback, and find out what’s next up on the horizon!

We’re leaving this post unlocked, by the way, so people outside of the comm can see all your wonderful submissions. So if you’re on the list, or even if you’re just a huge Dean/Cas fan, feel free to pimp the crap out of this to your flists! Let’s show the SPN world how well this comm does Dean and Cas. *grins*


Title: The Dean/Cas catalog of Epic P.9
Author: 9_of_clubs
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I own nothing, nothing at all and it's sad but true
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Warnings: Sex, blanket spoilers for everything aired
Word Count: 3291
Summary: This is a part of my drabble/ficlet series of Dean/Cas blurbs. This particular issue contains: 28. YOU SHOULD SHOW ME SOME RESPECT (dominating) smex. 29. PLEASE DON'T EVER SAY "WE'RE DONE" AGAIN (desperate) smex. 30. THANK GOD, I THOUGHT THE ARCHANGELS KILLED YOU (relieved/overwhelmed) smex.

The Dean/Cas catalog of Epic P.9


Title: My Love is Not Bound
Author: c00kie
Rating: Mostly PG-13 with a side of NC-17 for a kick.
Disclaimer: Mr. Kripke owns these characters. I’m just playing with them.
Pairing: Dean/Cas all the way.
Warnings: Drinking, language, schoompy porn.
Word Count: 9918 thus far
Summary: It’s a few weeks after Lucifer Rising. Bobby Singer’s house has become the safe haven for the Winchesters, two rogue angels and a prophet while they try to find a way to kill Lucifer before he kills them. Oh and Dean and Cas fall in love.

My Love is Not Bound


Title: Last Chance (To Lose Control)
Author: darksilvercat
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Blah blah, not mine, blah.....
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: Porny goodness
Word Count: 10,035
Summary: Castiel and Dean have sex. And some other stuff maybe happens.

Last Chance (To Lose Control)


Title: Cross Your Hard Heart (And Hope to Die)
Author: devilyouwere
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own anything that is not mine. Supernatural and characters belong to Eric Kripke and the CW; title & lyrics belong to The Gaslight Anthem.
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: Spoilers for The Rapture
Word Count: ~2,400
Summary: And maybe they're both ruined

Cross Your Hard Heart (And Hope to Die)


Title: Dedicated to All Human Beings (1/4)
Author: eggblue
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Supernatural, Dean, and Cas do not belong to me.
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: gets pornier as it goes
Word Count: 1650 this part, 10,000 altogether
Summary: Post 4.22, Dean defends sex and masturbation to an angel and takes on the confusing minefield of human/angel sexual relations.

Dedicated to All Human Beings (1/4)


Title: Fallen Angel
Author: evdokya
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: not mine, Mr. Kripke’s!
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: dub con, graphic slash
Word Count: 2.289
Summary: Dean takes advantage of a vulnerable, hurt Castiel
Notes: Beta’d by shion_kun. Written for the Supernatural kink meme with the prompt: “Dean/Castiel. Dean takes advantage of a just fallen/rejected-by-Heaven/ vulnerable Castiel. Points for dark, possessive Dean.”

Fallen Angel


Title: Frail
Author: evening_spirit
Rating: Pg-13
Disclaimer: The characters and the universe of Supernatural belong to its creators
Pairing: Dean & Cas gen.
Warnings: Vague spoilers for 4x07 "It's the Great Pumpkin..."
Word Count: 1200+
Summary: "Castiel believes in Dean Winchester." Castiel's character study of sorts and his fascination with Dean. (It was me wondering what was Kripke's great Master-Plan for Dean Winchester).



Title: This Wasn't Even Fun the First Time Around
Author: halfshellvenus
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Neither Supernatural nor its characters belong to me.
Pairing: Dean vs. Castiel Gen, with Sam
Warnings: Humor, bordering on Crack!Fic.
Word Count: 965
Summary: Five unwelcome times Castiel interrupted Dean. Of the many we all know exist.

This Wasn’t Even Fun the First Time Around


Title: Avenging Angel
Author: jayfray18
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, with a side helping of Alistair
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: None of this is real, just playing for a while
Summary: Alistair wants Dean back, Castiel will not let him go.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 400 ish

Avenging Angel


Title: What a Wonderful World
Author: just_ruth
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Supernatural is the property of Eric Kripe and the CW. Characters/Situations are being borrowed for entertainment purposes only. You think anyone would pay me for this?
Pairing: Dean and Castiel gen
Warnings: spoilers for 4:22
Word Count: 949
Summary: "What is so worth saving? I see nothing but pain here." Inserted with various songs that the author found inspiring.
Note: Special thanks to the editors of the Supernatural Wiki

What a Wonderful World


Title: Benediction
Author: kira_bouviea
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warning: Angst, self-reflection, pre-slash (if you squint)
Word Count: 2,651
Summary: Suffer us not to mock ourselves with falsehood / Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still. - T.S. Eliot
Note: A story in three parts.



Title: Black Wings and Six Guns
Author: lassroyale
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All seasons up to and including episode 4.20. All the pretty boys belong to Kripke - not me sadly.
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 4000+
Summary: Dean Winchester has had five guns in his life that meant something to him, tied to memories both good and bad. The sixth is the gun that will end his life.

Black Wings and Six Guns


Title: This Role I’ve Been Given
Author: loveinadoorway
Rating: Ah, guys, I really don’t know… NC-17?
Disclaimer: The powers that be, they never would let me do any of this, really. But there is respect. Aye. That there is and plenty of it. Even if it may not be obvious.
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Warnings: language, sex, violence, the lot, but mostly later, I suppose. Mostly car fondling, if anyone kinks at that, then this is it!
Word Count: ~2793
Summary: Set after 5.01, I suppose. Lucifer touched Castiel and thus transferred his ability to truly feel to Castiel. It’s the beginning of what will/might get to be a true Dean/Cas, it just always takes me forever to get to the sex. I started writing this for a gen/het story and the pairing was supposed to be Castiel/Raphael, but I can’t get that angel on angel show on the road somehow, so I’ve tweaked it to go… elsewhere. And it obviously isn’t all there yet… sorry.

This Role I’ve Been Given


Title: On the Outside
Author: martyred_wings
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me, sadly - they belong to Eric Kripke *although I wish I owned Castiel*
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Warnings: None, only for public sex ...
Word Count: 2377 words
Summary: written for darkgirl3, who wanted Dean and Castiel making love in a public place, and almost getting caught ....

On the Outside


Title: Clad Only in a Sock
Author: maychorian
Rating: PG13 (language)
Disclaimer: Pretty sure they’re not mine.
Pairing: Dean, Cas (gen)
Warnings: Crack
Word Count: 1300
Summary: Something bad happens to Castiel, and he comes to Dean for help. This story makes absolutely no sense, so don't even try.

Clad Only in a Sock


Title: With the Weight of a Freight Train
Author: mephestopheles
Rating: xXx
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, I make no profit.
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: Angst, graphic sex
Spoilers: post 4.20 and just to be safe 4.21
Summary: Dean realizes his feelings. It all goes down hill from there.
Notes: inspired by a quote from Sandman.

With the Weight of a Freight Train


Title: The Minor Fall; The Major Lift
Author: mummyluvr314
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters, sadly, aren't mine. And they aren't making me money. So what good are they?
Pairing: Dean/Cas, Jimmy/Dean
Warnings: Spoilers for 4.20... is that still a relevant warning?
Word Count: 2366
Summary: Angels are different from demons. They ask permission before entering the body, before using the body. Angels are similar to demons. They make promises, give hope, and then rip everything away.

The Minor Fall; The Major Lift


Title: The Consequences of Falling
Author: pandarus
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: I am not the Prophet Chuck, or Mr Kripke. Just playing in their sandpit.
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Warnings: Conceivably might be triggery at one point? Possibly?
Word Count: c. 31,000
Summary: A story in fifteen parts, in which the angel Castiel finds himself put in an untenable position, and consequentially loses his grace. In which he goes on a roadtrip with a demon, discovers the delights of tequila and french fries and pie, plays a starring role in a virgin sacrifice, is deflowered by his favourite Winchester, and then gets some very unpleasant news indeed.

The Consequences of Falling


Title: Only When I Sleep
Author: prettypsycho
Rating: pg-13
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, wish I did. The only Sam and Dean I own are my gerbils. These guys belong to Kripke. I just like to raid EK’s toy box and make them do things that would make Barbie and Kens heads spin.
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Warnings: Slash, Language, angst, maybe a little blasphemy.
Word Count: 1,376
Summary: Dean ruminates on the turn his life has taken and he and Cas find comfort in the only place left to them.

Only When I Sleep


Title: Like A Prayer
Author: reveria
Rating: R (for language)
Disclaimer: All hail Teh Krip. He owns everything I've borrowed.
Pairing: Dean, Cas (Gen)
Warnings: I'm a bit of a pottymouth...
Spoilers: All of season 4
Word Count: 2,749
Summary: When it comes to taking sides, Castiel chooses Dean.
Note: This was written before "The Rapture," hence there's no mentioning of Jimmy or his family.

Like a Prayer


Title: Do You See What I See?
Author: savingfaith333
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: If I owned Dean and Cas, they’d be doing stuff like this all the time.
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Warnings: None that I can think of…
Spoilers: All of Season Four is fair game.
Word Count: 5500
Summary: A look at the four main slashy scenes from “Lucifer Rising” and how they could have gone a different, sexier way. *insert large wink here*

Do You See What I See?


Title: All My Heavenly Might
Author: veggie17
Disclaimer: no money or fun for me, boo.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Bobby, Sam
Spoilers: Written after 4.21: “When The Levee Breaks.”
Warnings: Smut. Angst. Blasphemy.
Word Count: 4,451
Summary: Castiel has orders and every intention of following them

All My Heavenly Might


Title: A Sense Of...
Author: veritas_st
Rating: What's under NC-17?
Disclaimer: I don't own...mores the pity
Pairing: Dean/Cas
Warnings: None
Word Count: 500
Summary: Dean/Cas drabbles relating to the human senses.

A Sense Of...


And that’s all we wrote, folks! Hope you give each fic a good read, and be sure to comment if you do! Let’s all support each other, shall we? If you forgot to submit to the Dean/Cas list, feel free to leave headers and links to Dean/Cas or Dean, Cas fics only in the comments section here.

Next week on Hey Ma, Look at Me!, we’ll be doing:

Gen Fics

So if you’ve written anything that has no smexiness in it, send it my way!

Either email me your fic at savingfaith at live.com (that’s not a typo, it’s live.com, not livejournal.com), or send it to me through a private message here on Live Journal (please don’t leave your gen fics in the comments here, they shall be deleted).

The fics are due next Saturday, July 18th by noon Central Standard time, and will be posted next Sunday, July 19th. When you send me the email, please be sure to include the following information:

Characters of Import:
Word Count:
Link to your fic:

Let’s show the world how the spnwriterlounge does gen, shall we?

Edited to add: You can submit fics of any length to this list, including WIPs. Anything goes, so long as it's gen!

hey ma look at me!, mod post

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