Procrastination alert

Jun 17, 2009 00:04

And why is this pertinent or even of any use in a writer's community? BECAUSE IT’S OUR NUMBER ONE ENEMY!

We’ve all dealt with it before, we’ve all been affected by this terrible affliction at least once... a day!

Avoid it, learn to recognize it, eliminate it from your working area, because in once it settles in, it can kill your work. When procrastination strikes there is no quarter, no pleading, no other choice but to fight it with all of your writing powers.

Anything can cause it and most things around you right now can aggravate it... it’s a bloody menace!
There's the family, the pets, the next door neighbor that decided that now was an awesome time to hang all of his portraits on the wall, the people passing on the street that look so goofy that you can't help but stare, computer games (even a harmless mine's trap) all of these can distract you and lead to hours of lost time. After that, procrastination strikes fast and mercilessly.

When you feel that the mere flapping of a bird’s wings outside is enough to drag you away from your writing, understand what is really happening, recognize it as an agent of procrastination and put a stop on it; shake you head, put your tongue out and tell that bird: IT WILL NOT WORK!

If more of us could understand and fight this terrible affliction, stories would take half the time to be finished; updates would be twice as fast to happen; the world would possibly be a better place!

And whatever you do when you feel procrastination hit, do not, ever, under any circumstance, waste the other writers’ time by writing long posts in their community, talking about useless stuff such as procrastination :D

So, my question is: what are your procrastination culprits? What's the stuff that drags you away from your story, even though you know that the damn deadline is just around the corner? How do you fight it and how can we stop it from ruining our lives?

Peace out, dudes! Have fun and remember, ‘a written page a day keeps the grumpy writer away!’

how to

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