Procrastination alert

Jun 17, 2009 00:04

And why is this pertinent or even of any use in a writer's community? BECAUSE IT’S OUR NUMBER ONE ENEMY!

We’ve all dealt with it before, we’ve all been affected by this terrible affliction at least once... a day!

Avoid it, learn to recognize it, eliminate it from your working area, because in once it settles in, it can kill your work. When ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

mrstotten June 16 2009, 23:11:35 UTC
IM's easily

and reading fic, I get so caught up in conversations with friends and reading wonderful fic I forget ALL about my story


virtualpersonal June 16 2009, 23:17:15 UTC
I'd say IM's and artwork on LJ are the lead culprits, but that said, I don't procrastinate much when I'm writing a story. I procrastinate when it is time to do the dreaded editing!

One trick to prevent procrastination in writing is to stop writing at an "interesting spot" in your story, so that the next time you pick it up, you want to write that next "interesting scene." If you stop right where a bridge to another scene would start, you may not be as driven to get there fast. My two cents :)


adrenalineshots June 16 2009, 23:57:08 UTC
"One trick to prevent procrastination in writing is to stop writing at an "interesting spot" in your story, so that the next time you pick it up, you want to write that next "interesting scene.""

That is a very cool trick! Used it myself a couple of times and it totally works :D


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wellowned June 17 2009, 05:11:24 UTC
this, exactly. i'm half writing, half going "oo, new big!bang. gotta read it." cause, yeah... it's big bang. you gotta read them, and it takes time...


sr625sw June 17 2009, 00:19:45 UTC
For me, when I'm writing, the two main causes for distraction are usually music and food. And sometimes I can get lost in my research too...


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adrenalineshots June 17 2009, 03:46:35 UTC
I tried doing that once... didn't last 15 minutes. I'm weak, weak like that...


c00kie June 17 2009, 08:45:48 UTC
oh wow, a Legend of the Seeker icon. My BF has been watching that.

the internet is definitely my main source of procrastination as well. I can't turn it off though, because I am weak. :)


kira_bouviea June 17 2009, 00:54:58 UTC
Reading fic on LJ, My family (apparently I'm the go to purpose for when you want something done *woe*), My cat (how can I not pet her?), cooking (though, I guess that's sort of a necessity), TV, and finally, collecting pictures (icons, artwork, fanwork, searching for a topic off of goggle - yes, I have a bit of a problem with my obsessive collecting).


wellowned June 17 2009, 05:13:12 UTC
hah, my family and cooking are big culprits for me too. though, cooking's more my hobby?? so it's just when i get the urge, suddenly cooking instead of writing. and i don't look busy enough writing for my folks to leave me alone.


kira_bouviea June 17 2009, 05:24:53 UTC
Oh don't get me wrong I love cooking. I'm even apparently the family's pie maker (my mom gives me "the look" and asks "so honey, your making the pie today right?"). But it is a distraction sometimes. Plus, I get into the whole, well, practice makes perfect, in my cooking. *shrugs*

And alas, I have not perfected the art of looking busy. *is sad*


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