S8 Finale AU-- FOUND in Comments!

Jan 21, 2016 00:40

Hey kids, I've been tearing up the usual haunts for the last week trying to track down a fic I read awhile ago. I'm 90% sure it was originally posted to OhSam, but I've looked through the tags and the archive on that site and I can't find it. I don't remember who the author was. It had art with it, but I can't remember the artist either.

Basically, Dean still managed to convince Sam to stop the last trial in "Sacrifice" and Sam still ended up in the hospital as the angels fell. Rather than slowly dying, he was more like stuck in a sort of limbo. The fic opened with a nurse or doctor encouraging Dean to let Sam go because he was obviously suffering, and eventually Dean agreed, except even after life support was removed, Sam inexplicably didn't die. At one point, an angel broke into the room and stabbed Sam in his bed, and while the wound didn't heal, he also didn't die.

Eventually Dean took Sam and left, the Impala ran out of gas, and they ended up hunkered down in some house in the middle of nowhere. Cas and Charlie (and maybe Gadreel?) eventually tracked them down and Dean was angst-ridden over his decision to let Sam die back in the hospital. It might have ended up being wincest, but I'm not sure.

Any guidance would be swell! Thank you so much!

affliction: coma, genre: au, character: dean, !specific fic, affliction: hurt!sam, character: sam

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