Remix recs (slash,het and gen)

Oct 11, 2007 13:02

I like reccing stories while they're still anonymous, so here's my quick pick from spn_remix, before the authors are revealed.

your bridge in this storm (a binary deconstruction) [Sam/Dean, PG-13]
Dean doesn't like to let Sam drive

as if giving him this power will make it go to his head,

as if Sam will get used to driving away.

Nobody Told You When To Run by anon [Dean/Sam, first time, NC-17, 4,018 words]
Dean's never done anything anyone will remember him for, and for the first time, he kind of wishes he had.

A Balance in Fifth by anon [Sam/OFC, NC-17, 3,168 words]
Sometimes, when she stops to think about it, she realizes that her mind tells the story backwards.

Of Tides and Breakers by anon [Dean/OFC/Sam, Dean/Sam, NC-17, 1,045 words]
In the morning, Dean will still be the moon and the shore, and you will crash all over again.

Shines When by anon [Dean/Sam, first time, PG-13, 1,819 words]
That was how Sam learned Latin: as something practical, not a dead language, not vocabulary to be memorized. It was fluid, useful. He could speak it to change things, and he wielded it like a favorite weapon, one that fit perfectly in his hand.

The Truth Is (Odds Are One In Seven Remix) by anon [Dean/Sam, NC-17, 3,146 words]
They're in the middle of nowhere Louisiana, and their waitress is just about as old as the state. Her hair is almost truly blue, and she wears a floral patterned dress that Sam thinks hasn't been seen in stores since Laura Ingall's time. She's nice and sweet, and as soon as she gets to their table, she's cooing over Dean and his ankle.

Hanging out the window with a bottle full of rain by anon [Sam/Dean, PG, 1,298 words]
Sam shrugs, shoulders hunched, digging letters into the sand with a stick. "It's not like the sea's boiling." He writes their names. Dean. Sam. "There's no rain of frogs. Not like the dead are breaking out of their graves. It's just... it's just a loop." John. Jess. Mary. "Who's to say it hasn't always been like this?"

A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall by anon [Dean, Sam, gen, PG, 1,692 words]
It's raining when Sam breaks the deal, the first real rain he's seen in months. Water pours from the sky, forcefully, righteously, and Sam stands outside the car and lets it wash over him.

rec: sam/dean, rec: pg, rec: nc-17, rec: pg-13, rec: gen, rec: slash, rec: het

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