Chat: religion in the Supernatural universe

Oct 17, 2007 20:31

One of the topics that I've been meaning for ages to have as one of our monthly chats is that of religion in the Supernatural universe.

A lot of religious elements crop up in the show - use of crucifixes, holy water, exorcism in God's name. Even the amulet around Dean's neck. Houses of the Holy identifies Sam as having faith in God - he even reveals that he prays regularly - whereas Dean scoffs at the idea of angels or angelic guidance. And I'm sure there are many more instances that I just can't think of right now.

So, your thoughts. Does the show handle the religious aspects well? Should it have a more clearly defined universe - for example, do we need to know whether, in the Supernatural world, angels are as real as demons? Should it create its own distinct religious background, or does it work for you when it mingles ideas from different religions? Just a few questions to get you going - ask more, discuss different thoughts on the topic, as you like!

Just to be on the safe side, I know religion can be a hot topic, and there will most likely be very differing opinions, but please, disagree as much as you like, just do so nicely! And, as ever, please do help make it a proper chat by jumping in on threads rather than just replying to the post.


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