March Vidding Round-up

Apr 01, 2013 09:09

Sorry for the delay.

Here's what I managed to catch during the month of March.

If you missed SupernaturalShake that came out early in the month I'd say you might be living under a fandom rock. It's now up to over 6 millions views! YAY! Go Show. :D

For those who missed it or for those who can't stop watching it here's a handy embed:

Here's the Vegas Con version of the Harlem Shake. Fun!

The sign ups for artists and vidders for spn_j2_bigbang are happening HERE

If you missed the con footage from the recent Vegas Con, here's some footage of the panels. all_spn has a great collection of con vids.

This is an excellent post on choosing video editing software from cupidsbow. It focuses on software for PC users and has some great recommendations for free vidding software as well as what you might pay for the top of the range ones (if anyone knows of as similar post for Macs please let me know).

Vids that caught my eye:

Some awesome works out this month.

This is brilliant! The Profound Bond by ablazingwings (Tumblr link). Even if you don't ship Dean/Cas this is is an absolute must watch vid. It's a trailer for a new romantic comedy. It's expertly edited and will make you believe this film actually exists. It's also hilarious.

For some lovely feel good Winchester bro loving be sure to check out glovered. I belong to you, you belong to me, you're my sweet. Joy! :D

Blue Monday is a fabulous constructed reality vid (AU) by superkitte. Jared travels the country on his motorbike and meets Jensen along the way. The vidder has matched the various source seamlessly. The story is engaging and had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen. Go watch!

secretlytodream has spoiled us this month with three new vids.

As always these are all beautifully made. The thing that makes them (extra) special is the use of the audio. Loki has used a variety of audio effects to create an interesting and haunting vocal soundtrack.

Tornado Warning This vid has ALL the Sam and Dean feelings. Their journey together has been so epic and Loki captures it perfectly. The sheer beauty of this vid will bring a tear to your eye

The Taste of Grave in the Mouth. A snapshot of Sam's life. *meep* Makes me think that Sam's life has been one long trial.

Lead Me Home. Terrific song choice for a season 8 vid. Looks at the journey the brothers have taken from being separated to being back "home" again.


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