Chat: what you want to see in season 3 (SPOILERFREE)

Aug 13, 2007 18:59

We're trying something just a little different for our chat post this month - we're having two! Both on the same topic, but one's spoilerfree (this one) and the other, hosted by schneestern, is as spoilery as you want to make it!

So, the topic is, what do you want to see in the next season? Besides bodyswap, that is, because that seems to be an almost universal desire (and do feel free to chat about the potential joys of a bodyswap episode if you want!) Who would you like to see return, are there any myths you'd love to see explored, what questions do you most want to see answered?

As always, do jump in on threads and chat with each other, rather than just commenting to the post. But remember, this is the SPOILERFREE chat - spoilers for aired episodes are fine, but beyond that, speculation based on your own ideas only, absolutely no confirmed or unconfirmed spoilers, please.


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