Ask the Author: standing_fic

May 04, 2010 17:08

Hello, spnroundtable! Thank you for having me here. This is a special community that takes a unique and fresh look at our fandom and I am grateful for all that you do. Thank you especially to nantahala for inviting me!

Well, I am standing-fic and I love to talk about writing, so I would be happy to answer any questions you might have for me. First, I will tell you a little about me as a writer:

I started with a journal at age 11 and never stopped. I take writing pretty seriously, and if you know me even a little, you probably know that I have been thinking heavily about taking it to the next level (mfa, teaching, digging around for a freelance career). I think fan fiction is one of the greatest developments in recent literary history. A big statement, but for real. But that is a whole other topic; ask me about it.

Started watching SPN in the middle of s1 (shadow, naw). Lurked in fandom, and didn’t begin writing until 2008. Didn’t become active in fandom until I posted my Big Bang in July 2009. I still tend to be a periph drifter, a bobber, but I’m around! I love to feedback and rec when I have time. Feedbacking a really good story is probably my favorite thing to do in fandom. Also ogling.

I started with writing gen, and now predominantly write j2. I’ve got one sam/dean and one dean/castiel to my name; I tend to not want to mess with canon, because I’m so attached to the relationships that are already established.

I am not terribly prolific. For me the writing process can be annoyingly difficult; I can get intense and obsessive about what I'm writing. I think about and write one story at a time, and it has to be dead on in every way, or I won’t even bother. Perfectionist to the letter, to the punctuation, to the syntax and line break. Usually an idea (plot bunny) has to come back to me anywhere between 5 and 10 times before I decide I'm invested enough to write it.

Thinking about it, I’m pretty sure 100% of what I’ve written is character-driven. Sometimes plot happens as a byproduct, but generally if I’m sitting down to tell a story it’s about a relationship, not an event. I am also partial to first-times because of the TENSION and happy endings because of the HAPPY.

I fixate on dialogue; I love it. It’s a challenge. I write predominantly in third-person present, because I like the urgency and the now tone it creates. I like unpacking people as they’re experiencing things initially, in that moment: misconceptions, first impressions, judgments, doubts, being lovestruck, physical sensations. That stuff is exciting in its raw forms.

some writing!

Let us in!
and when we kiss
--that he will
you are the surf that i am walking towards

Forever 'Neath the Streets
My window to yours
all hail, the boy king
there are no ghosts, anywhere

Full list: indexed here

Thanks again, guys. Now ask away!

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