
Oct 10, 2012 22:10

Rules | Sign-Ups | FAQ | Posting Guidelines | How to Get a Bingo + Points, Extras, Benchmarks | Schedule | Promo Banners | Character Listing

Supernatural Pairing Bingo is easy to play, and we're hoping everyone involved has fun. This community was inspired by the many other bingo games on livejournal, such as hc_bingo, but, in this game, the prompts are focused on two things: Supernatural and couples.

We have a few basic rules to follow, so that players can earn points during each round. If you've never played prompt-based bingo before, it's really quite simple. You, the player, may request a new bingo card at the Sign-Ups link. We, the mods, then randomly pick 25 pairings, 1 for each square. Then, you can proceed to fill squares with fanfiction or fanart until you reach a bingo, which leads us to our rules:

1.) For each square, the prompted pairing must be the focus of the produced work. There can, of course, be other pairings in the story/art/vid. For the sake of this community, a pairing can be romantic or simply friendship, or pre-relationship.

2.) In order for a square to be considered filled, it must meet certain minimum requirements:

Fic: 500 words

Video: 30 seconds

Icons: 10

Art: must be 350 pixels either height or width

Fanmixs: must have cover art with five songs

Podfic: 500 words

There is no maximum length or size for the fills. In fact, the bigger/longer your fill is, the more points you can score as "benchmarks." If you'd like to learn more about points and benchmarks, check out to the link to " How to Get a Bingo + Points, Extras, Benchmarks".  Also, feel free to mix it up if you're both a writer and an artist; you don't have to stick to just one type of fanwork. It's perfectly okay to have a bingo made up of fics, vids, and art.

3.) In order to score a bingo, five squares must be filled with a new fic/art/vid (nothing you've previously posted elsewhere, please). The squares must fit one of the accepted formats (vertical/horizontal/diagonal) found here: " How to Get a Bingo + Points, Extras, Benchmarks".  Only after a bingo (or, if you're ambitious, a blackout) is scored can a player earn "extras" for that card.

4.) A new bingo card cannot be requested by a player until a bingo has been scored on the first card. After a bingo is scored, however, a player can continue to use their old card or request a new one at Sign-Ups.

5.) What if you don't like all types of pairings? When you visit Sign-Ups, you'll be given an "Opt-Out" option. You can request that your card be filled with pairings which are all Heterosexual, Slash, Femslash, or Mixed (all three). You can also "Opt-Out" of certain types of pairings such as specific couples ("no John/Mary or Dean/Crossover Character please"), specific season characters (for players who don't like certain seasons/haven't watched the newest seasons), specific characters ("no pairings with Lucifer"), or specific groups of characters/relationships (such as angels, demons, Wincest, Angelcest).  Of course, since the goal of this game is to get fans to stretch their shipping creativity, we'll limit the number of "Opt-Outs" to five. For more info on this, see Sign-Ups. To see which characters we'll be creating pairings with, check out our Character Listing.

6.) Please check out the Posting Guidelines before posting anything in the community, and do not post anything until you've completed a bingo or blackout. Use the headers provided, and don't forget to list warnings for the sake of everyone's comfort. Since the headers tend to be on the long side, feel free to use LJ cuts.

7.) Lastly, if you have any problems with the community or questions about the game, please check out the FAQ for more information, or message one of your mods, twisted_slinky or patriciatepes.

~mod post

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