400 watchers and counting! In celebration, have a comment fic meme.
The Rules:
→ Leave a comment here with a prompt. Pretty much anything that makes you happy is good for us. It doesn't have to be schmoop, hurt/comfort, crack or humor (though if those are what you're itching for, by all means, prompt away) - it simply has to make you feel good. After the epic angst of the pre-hiatus episode, we could all use some cheering up, right?
→ Gen prompts only. If you're unsure of what constitutes a gen prompt or fic, please
consult the oracle. Other than that, anything goes - AU, pre-series, crossovers.
→ Post as many prompts as you like - but one prompt per comment. If you've got a couple, comment with each separately.
→ Go through the prompts! If you find one you like, write a fic for it. There's no limit to how many users can reply to a prompt, or how many prompts someone can write for.
→ Play nice - no flaming and no character bashing, period. Any comments that break this rule will be deleted without warning.
→ Feedback is catnip for writers. Leave some author-love!
→ No spam comments.
→ Direct all your questions to the
mod hotline.
→ Spread the gen love - pimp this meme! Just copy and paste the code below:
http://community.livejournal.com/spngenlove/47598.html">http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy42/mimblexwimble/Comment%20Fic%20Banners/ffa.png" title="" > → Have fun!
Master List
j2_babygirl86 wrote
Sam turns into a duckling. Dean copes. adrenalineshots wrote
Dean found a child during a hunt and was reluctant to give him up when they finally found his parents. adrenalineshots wrote
An outsider's POV of the Apocalypse vikki wrote
Castiel does something so ridiculously clueless and cute that Sam and Dean can't help laughing at him. charis_kalos wrote
Castiel does not understand why Dean hates rats. He thinks they're the cuddliest little things. adrenalineshots wrote
Pre-series or early seasons--either brother does something small but meaningful that makes the other smile. daylightfire wrote
Bobby hugs! vikki wrote
Teen!Dean babysits to earn some extra cash. july_july_july wrote
Wee!Jo meeting Bobby for the first time. seergirl wrote
Futurefic--Gabriel shows Castiel that he can be a good big brother, after all. daylightfire wrote
Castiel's powers go wonky, what with everything, and suddenly he can make turnips magically appear. Dean wishes it had been pie, instead. claudiapriscus wrote
Castiel's powers go wonky, what with everything, and suddenly he can make turnips magically appear. Dean wishes it had been pie, instead. [Part 2] [Part 3] adrenalineshots wrote
While hunting for Sam and Dean, Hendriksen finds and reads the Supernatural books.