SPN: So THAT’S the kind of research you do when I go out

Aug 31, 2008 16:06

So THAT’S the kind of research you do when I go out
Author: johnnyjosh
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and mild adult scenes
Pairing: None in this version
Genre: Comedy.
Word Count: 2450 (yeah, I got a little carried away, but not as much as the last two! XD)
Beta: winter_loveless,theoldoak
Summary: Dean stumbles across an amulet that gives him an…interesting perspective on things.
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potions and amulets

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Comments 6

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johnnyjosh September 1 2008, 00:29:16 UTC
*laughs* Oh come on, you really think he'd pass up a nasty prank like that? XD


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johnnyjosh September 1 2008, 00:35:06 UTC
XDDDD Aw, come on now...*snickers* don't be a bitch


pheebs1 September 1 2008, 19:03:52 UTC
Ah ha ha! Dean would so have fun with an amulet like that!


johnnyjosh September 6 2008, 14:42:05 UTC
*chuckles, nods* He would! Thanks for commenting, I might expand this at a later date, it's just got too many possibilities XDD


peculiar_mind September 2 2008, 11:21:13 UTC
this was soooo funny, i like it!!!!


johnnyjosh September 6 2008, 14:42:34 UTC
*grins* I'm glad you came over and found it! *hugs* Thanks!


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