SPN: So THAT’S the kind of research you do when I go out

Aug 31, 2008 16:06

So THAT’S the kind of research you do when I go out
Author: johnnyjosh
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and mild adult scenes
Pairing: None in this version
Genre: Comedy.
Word Count: 2450 (yeah, I got a little carried away, but not as much as the last two! XD)
Beta: winter_loveless,theoldoak
Summary: Dean stumbles across an amulet that gives him an…interesting perspective on things.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, or its characters and make no money from this


“Jesus,” Dean growled, then kicked at an overturned, splintered chair, sending it flying halfway across the cluttered, darkened living room. “I thought that bitch would never die!” He paused then, wiping at his cheek where four grooves still stung and bled. They’d just dispatched a rather nasty witch who, rather than just leave her philandering husband after finding out about his repeated affairs, had taken to using black magic to kill off her rivals for his affection. It had taken all Sam and Dean’s combined strength, some creative demon-repelling methods and finally the Colt to get rid of her and the creatures she’d managed to summon.

Sam huffed out something that vaguely resembled a chuckle. “You and me both,” he murmured, then he slumped back against the wall and watched his brother continue to lash out at whatever unfortunate, inanimate object crossed his path. Once he caught his breath, Sam pushed away from the wall and sighed, glancing out to the dining room. “I’m gonna go take care of the book and the altar, you take a quick check around here. Let’s make sure there’s nothing left lying around here that can hurt anyone, alright?”

“Yeah.” Dean nodded, giving what was left of a wooden box one last kick, just for spite. His temper finally calmed, Dean sank down into a chair and then winced as he felt something on the seat poking into the back of his thigh. “What the hell?” He jumped up out of the chair and spun around, glancing down at the seat. As he turned his foot settled on a pile of torn, crumpled papers scattered on the floor. Dean’s foot slipped and he was thrown off balance, heading for the floor himself. “Whoa!” His hand shot out, ending up splayed over the seat cushion right over the necklace he’d sat on just moments ago.

“Oh shit,” Dean muttered, feeling a strange tingling sensation wash over him as soon as his skin came in contact with the amulet. “What did you just do to me, you son of a bitch?” He picked it up and took a better look at it, the silver chain sliding over his fingers as Dean ran a finger over the smooth, round clear stone of the pendant. It was encircled with a silver band, with what looked like runes engraved on it. “Great, I can’t wait to see what I’ve got myself into this time,” he muttered sarcastically.

“Dean?” Sam rushed back into the room when he heard what sounded like a scuffle, then his brother’s cursing. “You okay?” He glanced around, brow furrowed as he wondered where Dean had gotten to. “Dean?”

Dean rose to his feet and narrowed his eyes at Sam, head tilted to one side. He parted his lips, about to speak, but the sudden flare of panic in Sam’s eyes surprised him. He can’t see me, Dean realized, eyebrows shooting up in surprise. I’m standing right here, and he can’t even see me. He turned his head and shot a glance at the mirror across the room, inhaling sharply when he saw that only Sam was casting a reflection. Holy shit…I’m invisible! Dean held the amulet up as Sam strode across the living room and moved down the hall. Sam called Dean’s name repeatedly, the younger man’s voice rising in volume and pitch each time. That’s weird. I can see myself, and stuff I’m holding, but…nobody else can I guess. Dean blinked when the amulet shifted and swung away from his hand, breaking contact with his skin. He felt that strange tingling sensation again, and movement across the room made him tense up. “Heh…just my reflection,” he said quietly, then his eyes widened as he stared at the amulet, a smirk settling on his lips. “Hm, if this thing doesn’t actually cause any harm, it could definitely have some interesting possibilities.” He grinned as he heard Sam’s footsteps, letting the amulet swing over and touch his palm again.

Sam turned around at the sound of Dean’s voice, rushing back to the living room. “Dean, where are you?” he demanded, whirling around, looking for the older man. “Dean! D-Guh!” Sam jumped back, his eyes wide, face pale as he came face-to-face with his brother who, apparently, had been standing right behind him. “Where the hell were you?” Sam demanded, frowning severely as he reached out and grasped the older man's shoulders. “Didn't you hear me calling you?”

“Yeah, I was right here, Sammy, no need to shout," Dean answered with a saucy grin, arms folded over his chest, the amulet resting against his sleeve, hidden from the other man’s view.

Sam huffed, eyebrows raised as he simply stared at Dean for a moment. "Look just...whatever," he groused, then spun on his heel and stalked away. “Let’s finish up, this place is starting to give me the creeps.”

Dean grinned wickedly and tilted his hand, the amulet falling against his palm once more. He rushed forward and snuck up behind his brother, darting around to the taller man's left.

"Help me get rid of the book and...Dean?" Sam paused and looked around, as once again the other man seemed to have vanished. "Dean wh-Gah!" He gave a start as he glanced over his shoulder only to find Dean standing right behind him once again. "That's not funny, you jerk!" he shouted, brows drawn together, lips set almost in a pout.

“Why so jumpy, bitch?” Dean snickered, punching Sam lightly on the arm before he moved around his brother and walked toward the dining room. “Come on, the sooner we get done here, the sooner we can go out and celebrate a job well done.”

Sam just pursed his lips and stared at Dean, silently counting to ten before he heaved a put-upon sigh and strode over to join the other man.


Dean sat down on a stool at the bar, gazing around with a sigh. Sam had opted to stay at the motel, claiming he had some research to do, but Dean suspected Sam was still a little peeved over his earlier pranks.

“Dude, you’ve really gotta learn to let things go,” Dean shook his head, then frowned as he noticed a tall, blond man at the back of the bar near the pool tables with ‘troublemaker’ written all over him. The man was well on his way to being drunk, and just belligerent and loud enough to catch Dean’s attention, giving the hunter the urge to knock the arrogant blowhard down a peg or two. “Hm, maybe things won’t be so boring after all,” he smirked, patting his front pocket where he’d stowed the amulet.

Dean watched as the man hustled at pool, honestly surprised the blond was sober enough to shoot straight. Then the troublemaker proceeded to harass a waitress, and two female patrons. Finally, Dean saw a chance to make his move when a rather scrawny, dark-haired, nervous-looking man entered the bar and moved hesitantly toward the pool tables. He hung back for a moment, then grinned knowingly as, sure enough, the tall blond man stepped forward and challenged the brunet to a game of pool.

Once the game got underway, Dean slipped back into the shadows and pulled the amulet from his pocket. “Now the game really begins,” he chuckled, glancing in a nearby mirror just to be sure before he followed the waitress back to the pool tables.

The woman set two beers on a small table, then went to move past the blond man. Dean chose that moment to make his move, darting over and running a hand over her ass just as she passed the other man.

“Randy!” she shrieked, spinning around and bringing her drink tray down on top of the blond’s head with a loud crack. “I’ve had enough of your shit tonight, y’hear? Keep your damn hands to yourself!”

“OW! What the fuck? I didn’t do nothin’!” Randy protested, holding his head as he bent forward, eyes closed.

“Uh huh…” the waitress sneered before she stalked away.

“Hey, Randy.” One of the bouncers walked over, beefy arms folded over a barrel chest. “No more trouble tonight. Leave the ladies alone, or you’ll have to leave, alright man?”

“But I never touched her! I was just sittin’ here playin’ a game with my buddy over there, right man?” Randy looked over toward the brunet currently setting up the balls on the table.

The smaller man looked up and hunched his shoulders as both men glanced over at him. “Oh…I don’t know, I didn’t really see anything.”

The bouncer just glared at them both before he shook his head and walked away, muttering under his breath.

Dean barely held back a snicker as he leaned back in his chair. Oh man, this is great, he thought with a wide grin. He rose to his feet as Randy told the brunet to break, moving over to stand beside the table. As soon as the smaller man took his shot and the balls began to scatter, Dean reached out and deftly sank each and every ball on the table, ending with the eight ball and leaving the cue ball dead in the center.

The brunet stared open-mouthed as all the balls disappeared. “Oh my…” he murmured, nearly dropping the pool cue in shock.

Randy narrowed his eyes as the eight ball dropped into the right corner pocket, then the cue ball rolled to the middle of the table and stopped. “You,” he pointed a finger at the smaller man and began to advance on him. “What the hell was that?”

The brunet shrank back, shaking his head. “I…I don’t know, I didn’t do that…”

“The hell you didn’t!” Randy roared, reaching out to grab the other man by the front of his shirt. “What the fuck did you just do?”

The brunet gasped in shock as the pool cue in his hand suddenly jerked up and shot forward, the thicker end hitting Randy right between the eyes and knocking the blond out cold. He stared down as the man ended up in a crumpled heap at his feet, then gave a start as uproarious laughter and thunderous applause rang out. “Wha…?”

The bouncer that had warned Randy before stepped forward, clapping a large hand down on the brunet’s shoulder. “Wow, buddy, that was pretty good!” he laughed, drawing the man forward. “Been awhile since Randy’s been put in his place by anybody ‘sides a bouncer or a cop. What’s your name, dude?”

“Doug,” the brunet said quietly, allowing himself to be steered toward the bar.

“Well, Doug, lemme buy you a beer,” the bouncer offered.

“Aw, hell,” the bartender waved a towel at them. “For that little floorshow, Doug here drinks on the house tonight.”

Dean chuckled, letting himself be seen once again as the amulet slide down out of his palm, the silver chain twined around his hand. “Well, guess that’s good deed number two tonight,” he said quietly. He snagged the two untouched beers from the table and watched the celebration for a short time before he made a discreet exit out the side door.

“So now what?” Dean mused as he got into the car, starting it up and tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. He snickered quietly, green eyes narrowed as he toyed with the idea of playing one last little prank on Sam. “I really shouldn’t,” he murmured, then shrugged with a wicked smirk. “But when’s that ever stopped me before?”

Dean drove back to the motel and parked the Impala at the far end of the parking lot, so Sam wouldn’t hear the distinct sound of the engine, or see the sweep of headlights as he pulled in. He made his way to the door, listening for a moment before he reached for his lock picks, deciding he could open the door much more quietly that way than pushing the key into the lock.

The lock gave a very soft click, and Dean slipped inside, shutting the door silently behind him. He reached for the amulet and gripped it tightly before he moved further into the room, suppressing a laugh as he heard what was clearly the soundtrack of some cheesy porn coming from the television. Dean lowered his head, shoulders shaking with silent laughter as moans and heavy breathing mingled with the horrid music. A moment later he stepped around the corner and stopped, his jaw dropping, green eyes huge as he took in the scene before him.

His assumption had been right, there was indeed pay-per-view porn on the screen, but not all the moans were coming from the TV. Sam was sprawled on the bed closest to it, back arched, pants down around his knees as his hand moved up and down the length of his cock. His head was flung back, sweat beading on his face as he bared his teeth, panting heavily.

Dean looked away, unable to keep from blushing as he lifted one hand and scratched at the back of his head. His gaze came to rest on Sam’s computer screen, and Dean grinned as he noticed that there was more porn on display there. However his grin fell flat when he realized one thing. This porn didn’t feature any women. He leaned down to take a better look at just what his brother had been up to and laughed softly. Oh Sammy, you are NEVER gonna live this one down…

With a smirk Dean straightened and walked over to stand beside the bed. He waited until what was probably the most…inopportune moment for Sam, slowly letting the amulet drop back into his pocket before he tilted his head and said, rather loudly. “So, THAT’S the kind of research you do when I go out, huh?”

Dean was actually worried for a moment when Sam sputtered and made strangled choking noises, sounding as if he’d swallowed his own tongue. Then the younger man let out a shout and tried to bolt for the bathroom, forgetting that his pants were down around his knees, which resulted in nothing more than sending Sam face first onto the carpet. “Funny, I didn’t think a person’s face could go that many different colors in five seconds flat,” Dean snickered, sitting down on the bed as Sam finally gained his feet, pulled up his pants and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him with a ‘Fuckin’ Jerk!’ screamed over his shoulder.

<< Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to keep this short and sweet? To me it screams to be fleshed out into a much longer story, preferable with more Wincest XDD. What do you think?

potions and amulets

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