SPN: Cross My Heart by dotfic

Aug 27, 2008 22:52

Title: Cross My Heart
Author: dotfic
Rating: Gen, PG-13, preseries (Sam 12, Dean 16)
w/c: 1,500

Summary: Sam finds a way to magically protect Dean on hunts. This can't end well.

Dean's okay, he's going to be fine, Dad says, but Sam doesn't believe him. )

potions and amulets

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Comments 43

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Re: owww dotfic August 31 2008, 14:16:41 UTC
Yep, I think Sam needed to be protecting Dean way more than Dean needed the protection. Thanks, I'm glad you liked this!


musesfool August 28 2008, 03:33:00 UTC
Oh, Sam. *pets him*


dotfic August 31 2008, 14:19:50 UTC
Poor Sam. He really thought he was doing a good thing!


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dotfic August 31 2008, 14:20:07 UTC
Thank you, dear. :D


iamstealthyone August 28 2008, 03:36:32 UTC
Nicely done. Given Sam’s age and the fact that he’s unable to really protect Dean in a physical way - he’s not a skilled hunter at this point - I can totally see him taking this kind of step to protect Dean. I really like how John handled the revelation, the way he was fairly quiet and calm rather than blowing up. As much of a hardass as John can be, and as loud as he can be, I believe he would have had parenting moments like this.

Favorite lines:

while his father and brother bring him objects, carefully checked to make sure they're safe before they hand them to Sam.

I like how careful they are with Sam. He’s 12 and not as experienced as they are, and I can definitely see them exercising caution with seemingly easy tasks.

He stares up into the cavernous spaces above the stage, remembering his last school, when he'd gotten to play Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

I like Sam’s little tangent.

"I'm not going to get killed," Dean says, standing up. His chair snaps back into place. "Not going anywhere, okay ( ... )


dotfic August 31 2008, 14:22:27 UTC
Thank you so much! Yes, there isn't much Sam can do physically to protect Dean so he'll do it another way if he can. John went to a place beyond angry -- he was just imagining all the horrible ways this could've backfired on Sam, and also, John, like Dean, understands how dangerous it is to do what they do and get lazy or complacent or too dependent on luck.

I'm so pleased you liked this.


merryish August 28 2008, 04:23:58 UTC
awww, this is lovely. Sam's trying so hard to look out for his brother. And Dean's so good with him, after! *hearts* This made me really happy. :)


dotfic August 31 2008, 14:23:50 UTC
Aw, thank you! In the end Dean was the one who needed to talk to Sam about this -- I give John a lot of credit here for good hunter parenting but Sam needed to hear all that from Dean.


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